Iammeter WEM3080T

Hello everyone,
I suggest an improvement on the Iammeter binding. Since version ATV2.75.76 of the WEM3080T configure in Three-phase with the command http://“address ip”/api/netmetering?npm=1 a 4th counter with the sum of the 3 phases results: http://“adress ip” /monitorjson {“method”:“uploadsn”,“mac”:“047863BBABB4”,“version”:“2.75.76”,“server”:“em”,“SN”:“1356XX6X”,“Datas”:[ [234.7,8.71,1786,29.165,0.002,49.92,0.87],[235.4,10.61,2309,43.313,0.011,49.92,0.92],[235.4,9.21,2103,18.760,0.511,49.92,0.97.2,[2357.2],[235.4,9.21,2103,18.760,0.511,49.92,0.97.2, ,0.00,6198,90.731,0.016,49.92,0.97]]}
However with the current version of binding only the information of the 3 phases are accessible

If you want the binding developer to see this, it’s best to open an issue in GitHub under openhab-addons and describe the issue in detail.