iCalendar fails downloading new version of Google Calendar


I’m using the iCalendar binding for long time now and it works quite good, except when I add new events in Google Calendar.

E.g. I added calendar entries to switch on a Shelly power plug at 6 o’clock and switch it off at 22 o’clock. This worked, after restarting OpenHab multiple times. Then I changed this event to end at 18 o’clock. The new times were not respected, also not days after I made the change.

The refresh interval is set to 240 minutes.

I checked the openhab.log file and e.g. saw

2024-03-15 23:02:41.729 [WARN ] [g.icalendar.internal.handler.PullJob] - Download of calendar failed.

Sadly there’s no further information, why it failed. I can download the calendard manually from the URL I configured in OpenHab.

Is there a possibility to get some more detailed information, what is going wrong?

Thanks and kind regards,


Looking into the binding the warning message should look slightly different also providing more details about the reason:

catch (ExecutionException e1) {
            String msg = e1.getCause() != null ? e1.getCause().getMessage() : "";
            logger.warn("Download of calendar failed with ExecutionException: {}", msg);
            request.abort(e1.getCause() != null ? e1.getCause() : e1);

The part about “with ExecutionException: …” seem to miss. Do you use an older version of the binding ?

Thank you, Wolfgang and sorry for my late response. After your message I saw I’m only running OpenHAB 3.2.0 and tried to upgrade to 4.x.x in hope the above problem solves itself with a new version.

But for any reason the upgrade seems to be broken and OpenHAB doesn’t start any more. I searched for reasons but couldn’t find some. I’ll open up a new thread to hopefull getting it running again.

Thanks and kind regards,


Java version?

I have Java 17.0.10. Here’s the topic I’ve created:

I upgraded to OH4, now and it seems to work. I’ll keep an eye on the refreshment for a while, now.

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