Icon declaration question

Hello everybody,
can someone explain the following to me and give a solution for it?

If I declare the item as follows:

Number:Angle  astro_azimuth   "Azimuth [%.2f °]"  <sunrise> {...

and then want to read the state in rules, it is not carried out.

if(astro_azimuth.state > 170 && astro_azimuth.state < 250 ) 
           //do someting

But if I declare the item as follows: (Without :Angle)

Number  astro_azimuth   "Azimuth [%.2f °]"  <sunrise> ...

Then it works.

What do I have to change in the rules if I don’t want to change the item?

thank you

Hi Tobias,

same issue as discussed here

Obviously in your case with … | "°" …

Hope this helps

Like this:

if((astro_azimuth.state > 170 | "°") && (astro_azimuth.state < 250 | "°")) 
           //do someting


Exactly like this :slight_smile:

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