Icons for custom categories

I try to write a widget that shows all items of a thing via the oh-repeater:

But some of the items do not have a category, thus there is no icon shown:
For the others it is working pretty cool :wink:.

I tried to assign a customized category and saved an icon with the same name in the icon folder (svg+png). But this is not working.

Does anyone know how to link an icon file to a customized category? (I searched for this topic but did not find any working solution up to now.)

Many thanks in advance! :slightly_smiling_face:

No ideas for this topic? I continue to try to find a solution, but so far to no avail.

What is the exact folder that you put the icon in? The docs are quite specific about where the custom icon files need to be placed:

If you have the icon files in the correct directory then this should work with no additional steps.

I am using OpenHab 4.0.3 on a Synology docker. I placed the icons here:
(I am already using dynamic customized items for widgets -e.g. roller shutters-, but not for custom categories.)

Yep, so thatā€™s all correct. What you are trying to do definitely works; I do it myself.

Do you see the icon popup when you enter the category in the model editing page?

Also, I would suggest that you check the API explorer to make sure that the items API actually returns the value you are expecting for category:

  "name": "Speaker_SonosRoam",
  "label": "Sonos Roam",
  "category": "sonosroamflat",

No, I donā€™t see the icon popup.

The files for the category in the mentioned directory:

And here what the API explorer says:

Oh man, I found my mistake: the capital letters. I changed them to lowercase and it works :crazy_face:.

Nevertheless many thanks!! :blush:

One additional question: is there any possibility for different icons in relation to the value of the item (like for QualityOfService)?

Yes, a little further down in the doc linked above there is a section on how to create custom dynamic icons.

Short-short version: add -statevalue to the base icon name (all lowercase still).

Itā€™s working under settings/items:

But in the widget it is shown like this:

That is the code of the test widget:

uid: Test_Code
tags: []
    - default: Header text
      description: Header text shown on top the widget
      label: Header
      name: header
      required: false
      type: TEXT
    - context: item
      default: ShellyPlus2PM_001
      description: related item to displayed data
      label: Item
      name: item
      required: true
      type: TEXT
  parameterGroups: []
timestamp: Dec 25, 2023, 8:34:52 AM
component: f7-card
  title: '= (props.header != "Header text") ? props.header : props.item'
    - component: oh-list
        title: Alle Daten
          - component: oh-repeater
              for: item
              groupItem: = props.item
              sourceType: itemsInGroup
              fragment: true
                - component: oh-list-item
                    icon: = loop.item.category
                    iconUseState: true
                    title: =loop.item.label + ":"
                    badge: =items[loop.item.name].displayState || items[loop.item.name].state

And to complete all information :wink:, here are the corresponding file names:

In the widget it is only showing the ā€œbaseā€ icon, both for standard and for custom icons!?

There is no item actually configured with your list item. Just because the component is being rendered as the child of a repeater doesnā€™t mean there is any automatic addition of the repeater array to the componentā€™s configuration, so, it has no way of knowing which item is supposed to be used to get the state which should used to modify the icon.

You also need to add:

item: =loop.item.name

Great, many thanks & Merry XMas :wink:!