No, there are other options:
There’s even a handy cronbuilder.
Yes, there are other options, but none of them allows the modification of the time by the user (e.g. my wife).
@Tobias_Stockmanns The timeline picker one time installed is usable for non technicans
My request for openhab5. More drag and drop possibilities for items in pages.
Equipment page, how do I organize the items?! I cannot seem to have them organized in a meaningful fashion. Let me select what comes first by drag and drop. (Example below, notice that the items of the acs are all jumbled together)
I would like to be able to set a widget or the semantic model, and to be able to go back and reorganize items or groups/equipment etc by drag and drop.
This tool looks great and I will give it a try.
Is it compatible with OH4?
But looking at the code you have developed shows me, that it is rather challenging to develop such a tool and I think it would be nice to have easier possibilities inside OH to achieve the same.
In my opinion, OH5 should focus more on a more attractive UI and then also make it easy to configure.
From my experience with friends and acquaintances who I have helped prepare for a SmartHome, but who are not developers or other technicians, the focus was on operation and appearance. Design is always a matter of taste, but here the decision was always made against OH because another system not mentioned here has a nicer and easier to customize UI. And in the end, it’s not just the OH admins who use the system, but also the other users in the house.
It didn’t really matter to people whether OH allows you to create great and more effective rules and automations or whether there are simple text or UI-based thing/item configurations.
I think OH does a lot of things right and has improved even more in recent years. I have been using it for a very long time and have also looked at the other well-known system and am glad that I have OH.
Not everyone who runs a SmartHome wants to invest a lot of time and development in the system and first learn any languages or deal with CSS or anything like that.
If OH is to become even better known and more widely used, I think it needs to become more user-friendly for end customers.
And then I also like these suggestions
There are a couple of issues already open that are needed to achieve this.
That is not the only way to achieve this and I think this would be addressed by adding a real scheduler.
But there are lots of ways even now to achieve this without creating so many Items and separate rules. But it’s going to require a Script Actions, not basic UI actions. If you open a new thread with more details I’ll gladly help. From what you descrive you could do this with just one rule.
If you position the DateTime Items into the semantic model with semantic tags, they will automatically appear on the Overview Page. Beyond that, the ui/copmponents/{namespace}/{componentid}
PUT endpoint is what you would use to update a Page with new widgets.
I was comming back to add this to my list of wants. Drag and drop in the Model page would be a huge improvement in usability I think.
Each Item has a “Default Widget Order Index” metadata which controls the order of the Items as they appear in the cards on the Overview tabs. But drag and drop to order them in the Model would be really awesome.
It would be nice to be able to quickly set the visibility of Items from the model page too. If I’ve created a widget that combines multiple Itemsbut I may still want all those Items to be part of the semantic model (perhaps I’m using the model in rules too) I only want to actually see the one Item with the widget and hide the rest.
As mentioned above, a PR for an MVP of this has been opened and with any luck will get reviewed and merged prior to 4.3 release. There are already lots of ideas and plans for improvements too but it’s already quite usable and IMO better than Frontail.
Yes, it’s compatible with oh4 with one change described in the timeline picker thread. I’m working at v4 of timeline picker and try to reduce the effort to install it.
Aha. Indeed, I didn’t think about the lady of the house. In that light, I think that a time picker would be of great use. Some googling got me here: Date- and time-picker on Pages.
But maybe it’s best not to clutter this thread My apologies.
The only thing I want from openhab 5 is good out of the box energy management management maybe using a local specific trained AI that tracks usage presence etc and makes suggestions for improvements like …
Hy John the hallway and garage lights are ON but OpenHab did not detect any presence. Would you like to turn them off?
Ok done. Would you like me to do it automatically next time ?
Ok done. Have a great evening John!
Hy John there is solar excess right now and the solar battery is full would like me to start charging the car that is plugged in ?
You guys get the point a personal home assistant
Merge things and items would destroy OpenHAB.
The loose coupling between things and items is one of the biggest advantages with OpenHAB!
[quote=“gloeckner_ronny, post:8, topic:160573, full:true”]
If openhab should be used by more people who have a only little IT background it all needs to become more user friendly to use. [/quote]
Why? What for? With what purpose? Where in the openHAB driving objective is stated that the objective is to be accessible by more people with little it knowledge? How would that benefit openHAB?
There is so much functionality available just between things items and channels that this statement can be ignored….
??? The text editor is literally there already.
That’s how you crap all backups and lose all your work. No thank you, let me handle my own backups.
Okay so, let me level with you here…
This isn’t home assistant. Home assistant is great, and you are free to use it.
But effort is better spent in making cool new stuff, not in copying others, in my view.
I thought this would be fun
Here is a link to the OH 4.0 wish list
circa December 2022
510 replies
Dreame binding please
The possibility to use persistence functions in widgets, such as <item>.deltaSince(ZonedDateTime)
Add persistence control by tag. So I can add a tag dont_persist or maybe persist_to_dst
Add some kind of wrapper for bindings written in python.
I like the concept of wrapping up functions on top of bindings like the Weather Calculations Binding or the (yet to come?) Spot Price Optimizer does. While in the Weather Calculations Binding one can configure everything through the GUI, the Spot Price Optimizer requires command line “magic”. Not sure what the differences are in the implementation (Java vs. JS maybe?), but if that could be packaged in an way easy to install, more complex functions could be made available to the users.
Also, I use the mobile App a lot to control some of the functions of my setup. Its missing a few features in charting like timeseries support for future states and bar charts.
Some of the bindings bring their own interface for certain functions like the Shelly binding for the manager or the MercedesMe binding for the Pin. Yet they implement different ways to access those interfaces - the Shelly binding uses the same port as the OH GUI and extends URL while the MercedesMe binding is using its own port. Would be great to have a common way, preferred using the OH GUI port as I run OH in Docker.
Is there a way to synchronize events across different bindings in the rules? I’m receiving data from different bindings as different times. When using them in a rule there are “glitches” when one got updated and the other not (yet).
Anyhow, I enjoy spending hours optimizing the rules and adding new functions to my installation. Thanks for giving me this beautiful toy!
There is a PR open now (I think it’s ready for review) to support listing infividual Items to not persist. So you can do something like *,!Foo,!Bar: everyChange, restoreOnStartup
and that will save every Item except Foo
and Bar
. I don’t know if this will get merged before 4.3 release but will definitely be in 5 (unless the maintainers reject it which I can’t imagine would happen).
Neither of these are officailly part of OH.
Weather Calculations is an add-on and can be installed from the marketplace.
Spot Price Optomizer is a Rule (or set of rules)_and an external JS Library. While the rule could be posted to the rule template marketplace, it would still require installation of the npm
library from the command line. Also, as a rule, it cannot be configured using the UI. As a rule template it could support configuration of properties through the UI though and the rule(s) at least could be installed through the UI.
But ultimately, in both cases, they are as they are based on the choices of the developers. I’m not sure there’s much OH as a project can do about this. It sounds like a good request to make of the original developer though to make installation and use easier.
There can be technical reasons why one or the other might need to be used. But I like the idea of having a standard approach with the option for those bindings that require running their own service on a separate port being allowed by exception.
When one Item changes, trigger the rule and then create a timer to wait a reasonable amount of time before processing the event. What’s reasonable depends on how long it takes to reliably receive all the events.
Another alternative is to keep track of which Items have changed in the last second (or what ever makes sense) and not do the action until all the Items that should update have updated.
Open another thread an I’ll be happy to help you through the options with more details.
You can use openhab-asynctosync - npm to synchronize events.
A lot of the topics raised in the discussion for OH5 turn out to be topics for OH4 as well