If-Statement causes an error when using it with "triggeringItem"

I’m running OH2.5M1 on a RPi 3b.

I have a rule which is running quite fine as it is. It shows me the actual Firmware-States of my Sonoffs in BasicUI

val sonoff_device_ids = newArrayList("sonoffs")

rule "Sonoff Tasmota Release Version"
     Item Sonoff_Release_Refresh changed to ON 
     or Channel 'astro:sun:local:noon#event' triggered START 
     or Channel 'astro:sun:local:night#event' triggered START
    var firmware = transform("REGEX", ".*([0-9].[0-9].[0-9])", Sonoff_Current_FW_Available.state.toString)
    logInfo("sonoff.rules", "Tasmota Refresh Items Release-State : " + firmware + "(sonoff)")

//  This If-Statement causes an error when a Channel-Trigger is fired
//    if (triggeringItem.state == ON) {
//      logInfo("sonoff.rules", "Rule was manually fired: " + triggeringItem +  " previousState: " + previousState)
//    }

    if (Sonoff_Release_Refresh.state == ON) {
      logInfo("sonoff.rules", "Rule was manually fired: " + Sonoff_Release_Refresh +  " previousState: " + previousState)
    else {
      logInfo("sonoff.rules", "Rule fired by Channel: ")

    for (String device_id : sonoff_device_ids) {
          publish("peter", "cmnd/" + device_id + "/status", "2")
          logInfo("sonoff.rules", "Sonoff Maintenance: " + device_id)
    logInfo("sonoff.rules", "Rule finished")

But when trying to use it more generally in this way:

    if (triggeringItem.state == ON) {
      logInfo("sonoff.rules", "Rule was manually fired: " + triggeringItem +  " previousState: " + previousState)

to see if the Rule was triggered Item(Event)-based or Channel-based it causes an error, when the rule is triggered by a channel.

2019-07-29 06:54:00.638 [ERROR] [ntime.internal.engine.RuleEngineImpl] - Rule 'Sonoff Tasmota Release Version': cannot invoke method public abstract org.eclipse.smarthome.core.types.State org.eclipse.smarthome.core.items.Item.getState() on null

Is there a possibility to realize the If-Statement in this more general way ?
I’m sitting here hour after hour, tried the weirdest combinations, but didn’t find a solution.

Any help is welcomed.


Did you try === ON? I think there is a difference between == and === for handling nulls.

I think that the problem is that a channel is not an item. Therefore triggeringItem is null. Hence the error. A solution / work around is have items that are linked to the channel.


Thx, for your hint. No I didn’t, as I thought it’s only for comparing with null. I will give it a try and inform you about the result.


thx, for answering.
But as the switch is just a “Dummy” for manually triggering the rule from time to time no channel is possible or do you have an idea for a Dummy-Channel ?


extracted from the documentation

When a binding provides such channels, you can find the needed information in the corresponding binding documentation. There is no generic list of possible values for triggerEvent , The triggerEvent (s) available depend upon the specific implementation details of the binding. If the Rule needs to know what the received event was, use the implicit variable receivedEvent to access the information.

Did you try to use receivedEvent instead triggeringEvent?

Hi Mikael,
sorry to say but your hint didn’t work. Same error as before.

I tried:

    if (triggeringItem.state === ON) {
      logInfo("sonoff.rules", "Rule was manually fired: " + triggeringItem +  " previousState: " + previousState)

and the error:

2019-07-29 10:28:02.309 [ERROR] [ntime.internal.engine.RuleEngineImpl] - Rule 'Sonoff Tasmota Release Version': cannot invoke method public abstract org.eclipse.smarthome.core.types.State org.eclipse.smarthome.core.items.Item.getState() on null

came up again.

But anyway, thx for help.



the implicit variable triggeringItem is populated with the Item that caused the Rule to trigger.

You are using a combination of an item and channels, that’s why you get the error when the trigger comes from the astro channel

When the rule gets triggered by a channel, there is no implicit triggeringItem. There’s no fix for that, it’s just a logical consequence.

But the Item exists whether or not you trigger any rules by channels or anything else. The Item is always accessible by name within any rule, regardless of how it was triggered.
You can always test the state of the Item by name.

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Hi Humberto,
in another rule I just tested the event-driven way. It’s a rule based on this post from @shutterfreak.
But an error came up when I inserted the line

or Item Sonoff_Release_Refresh changed to ON

the rule:

rule "sunset check"
         Channel 'astro:sun:local:set#event' triggered
    or   Channel 'astro:sun:local:civilDusk#event' triggered
    or   Channel 'astro:sun:local:nauticDusk#event' triggered
    or   Channel 'astro:sun:local:astroDusk#event' triggered 
    or   Channel 'astro:sun:local:daylight#event' triggered
    or   Channel 'astro:sun:local:noon#event' triggered
    or   Channel 'astro:sun:stowing1:noon#event' triggered START 
    or   Channel 'astro:sun:stowing2:noon#event' triggered
    or   Channel 'astro:sun:stowing3:noon#event' triggered
    or   Channel 'astro:sun:local:rise#event' triggered 
    or   Channel 'astro:sun:local:morningNight#event' triggered 
    or   Channel 'astro:sun:local:astroDawn#event' triggered 
    or   Channel 'astro:sun:local:nauticDawn#event' triggered 
    or   Channel 'astro:sun:local:night#event' triggered 
    or   Item Sonoff_Release_Refresh changed to ON 
//    val String ruleTitle="event::getCanonicalName()"
    logInfo( "sunset Check", "INFO: receivedEvent.class.getCanonicalName() --> [{}], Event = '{}'", receivedEvent.class.getCanonicalName(), receivedEvent.getEvent() )
    logInfo( "sunset Check", "INFO: receivedEvent.channel.toString()       --> [{}], Event = '{}'", receivedEvent.channel.toString(), receivedEvent.getEvent() )
    val channelevent = receivedEvent.getEvent()
    logInfo( "sunset Check", "INFO: Channel Event = '{}'", channelevent )
    val channelname = receivedEvent.channel.toString()
    logInfo( "sunset Check", "INFO: Channel Name =  '{}'", channelname )
    val channelthingUID = receivedEvent.channel.thingUID.toString()
    logInfo( "sunset Check", "INFO: Channel UID =  '{}'", channelthingUID )
    val channelID = receivedEvent.channel.id.toString()
    logInfo( "sunset Check", "INFO: Channel ID =  '{}'", channelID )

    logInfo( "sunset Check", "INFO: receivedEvent.channel.toString()       --> [{}], Event = '{}'", receivedEvent.channel.toString(), receivedEvent)
//    logInfo( "sunset Check", "INFO: receivedEvent.channel.toString()       --> [{}], Event = '{}'", receivedEvent.getCanonicalName(), receivedEvent.getEvent() )  //geht nicht
//    logInfo( "sunset Check", "INFO: receivedEvent.channel.toString()       --> [{}], Event = '{}'", receivedEvent.class.getCanonicalName().split(".").get(5), receivedEvent.getEvent() )  // geht so nicht 
//    val channelState = receivedEvent.getStatusInfo()
//    logInfo( "sunset Check", "INFO: Channel Status =  '{}'", channelState )
    val triggerEvent_split = receivedEvent.toString
    logInfo( "sunset Check", "INFO: Trigger =  '{}'", triggerEvent_split )
	val triggerEvent_split_3 = triggerEvent_split.split(":").get(3)
    logInfo( "sunset Check", "INFO: Split_3 ID =  '{}'", triggerEvent_split_3 )

the log:

2019-07-29 10:54:05.955 [ERROR] [ntime.internal.engine.RuleEngineImpl] - Rule 'sunset check': cannot invoke method public final native java.lang.Class java.lang.Object.getClass() on null

As I’m not very experienced in programming and that stuff, I just doing “trial and error”. But for me it seems as if those variants do not work together :thinking:, but thx for hint.

@fibu-freak did you import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.events.ChannelTriggeredEvent?

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thx for your tip. This is the way i’m just doing :wink:. My proposal was to combine the two ways in a more general manner.
But if it’s not possible - it’s not possible, anyway :slightly_smiling_face:.
So no need to think about it anymore, as I spent hours and hours to find a solution or workaround.

:slightly_smiling_face: This is the head of the rule,I posted above:

//import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.events.ChannelTriggeredEvent   // When using this import, you can see the answer next line
//                                                                          The import 'org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.events.ChannelTriggeredEvent' is never used.
rule "sunset check"
         Channel 'astro:sun:local:set#event' triggered
    or   Channel 'astro:sun:local:civilDusk#event' triggered

When using the import I just get the information that the import is never used, so I commetend it out.

Remove channel triggers from your rule and move them to a new rule to have a body to contain Sonoff_Release_Refresh.sendCommand(ON)

@fibu-freak you can also define an Item to store those astro events that you are interested on, like

DateTime Sunrise_Time { channel="astro:sun:home:rise#start" }

By doing that you can use the triggeringEvent implicit variable on you rule for all the triggers

or you can do what @mstormi suggests

umm, it doesn’t work like that. You cannot store transient events in an Item state.

What your example does is store the expected datetime of sunrise in an Item. The Astro binding will set that when it calculates the day’s events, usually at midnight, and that’s that. The Item stays set to the datetime all day until the next time it is changed. Nothing happens to it when the given time passes.

astro:sun:home:rise#start is a datetime state, a prediction.

astro:sun:local:set#event is an event. It just happens, then it is gone again until next day.

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Hi Markus,
thx for your hint, but I do not quite understand what is meant or what you try me to explain (sorry I’m bit stupid)
I don’t want to send a command to my switch. But if you mean to make two rules, one which fire when I use the switch to start and another one which starts channel based, I understand. But this was not my intension.
I just want to know if the rule is triggered by the switch or by a channel. And it works when I used a named switch(Item).
But my consideration was to use the If-Clause more general to make the Rule-Stuff a bit more “lean”.

@rossko57 thanks for your remark :+1:

@rhumbertgz and @rossko57 thx to you both.

That’s the difficult part, so my suggestion is to have two rules, rule 1 for the (virtual) switch and rule 2 for the channels. Then rule 2 sends a command to the virtual switch which is not having any physical effect but is there only to call rule 1 and do everything else in there.

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