Image in a group?


how can i add i image to a group? in my case “Gas”


Frame	label="Zählerstände"
		Group item=Gas				label="Gas"				icon="gasuhr" 
		Group item=Strom			label="Strom"			icon="gasuhr"


// Gasuhr
Group Gas
Number Gaszaehler               "Zählerstand [%.1f m³]"         <gasuhr>            { http="<[$.Wert)]"}
// Gasuhr Dummys
Number Gas_m3                   "Zählerstand [%.2f kWh]"        <gasuhr>    (Gas)
Number Gas_Verbrauch_Aktuell    "Verbrauch aktuell [%.0f W]"    <gasuhr>    (Gas)
Number Gas_Verbrauch_Tag        "Verbrauch heute [%.2f Wh]"     <gasuhr>    (Gas)
Number Gas_Kosten_Tag           "Kosten heute [%.2f €]"         <gasuhr>    (Gas)

now i want a image in my group.

this here isnt possible

Image (Gas) url="" refresh="10000"

and if i do that:

Frame	label="Zählerstände"
		Group item=Gas				label="Gas"				icon="gasuhr"
		Image url="" refresh=10000
		Group item=Strom			label="Strom"			icon="gasuhr"

i ve the image on the mainscreen. but i want the image in the group-screen.

I am not aware that you can use an image as an item, but you can certainly use it in a sitemap:

If you are using groups in your sitemap, you have no control over what is displayed (other than group membership) or the sequence in which the items from this group are displayed; if you want that level of control you have to make a frame and list all items from this group individually.