Implement AngularJS Slider

I’m trying to implement the default AngularJS Slider found in this site but nothing is working.
I followed some guide and taken example from Habpanel source code in GitHub that uses what I want to use!
Here an example: I want to implement a slider as the deafult widget, but I want to use a multi-range slider.

My code:

<div oc-lazy-load="['/static/habpanel/script.js', '/static/habpanel/script.js', '/static/habpanel/rzslider.js']">
  <div ng-app="rzSliderDemo">
    <div ng-controller="MainCtrl" class="wrapper">
      <div class="row"> 
        <div class="col-xs-12">
          <rzslider rz-slider-model="range_slider_ticks_values.minValue" rz-slider-high="range_slider_ticks_values.maxValue" rz-slider-options="range_slider_ticks_values.options"></rzslider>

var app = angular.module(‘rzSliderDemo’, [‘rzSlider’, ‘ui.bootstrap’]);

app.controller(‘MainCtrl’, function ($scope, $rootScope, $timeout, $modal) {
//Minimal slider config
$scope.minSlider = {
value: 10

//Slider with selection bar
$scope.slider_visible_bar = {
    value: 10,
    options: {
        showSelectionBar: true

//Range slider config
$scope.minRangeSlider = {
    minValue: 10,
    maxValue: 90,
    options: {
        floor: 0,
        ceil: 100,
        step: 1

//Slider with selection bar
$scope.color_slider_bar = {
  value: 12,
  options: {
    showSelectionBar: true,
    getSelectionBarColor: function(value) {
      if (value <= 3)
        return 'red';
      if (value <= 6)
        return 'orange';
      if (value <= 9)
        return 'yellow';
      return '#2AE02A';

//Slider config with floor, ceil and step
$scope.slider_floor_ceil = {
    value: 12,
    options: {
        floor: 10,
        ceil: 100,
        step: 5

//Slider config with callbacks
$scope.slider_callbacks = {
    value: 100,
    options: {
        onStart: function () {
            $scope.otherData.start = $scope.slider_callbacks.value * 10;
        onChange: function () {
            $scope.otherData.change = $scope.slider_callbacks.value * 10;
        onEnd: function () {
            $scope.otherData.end = $scope.slider_callbacks.value * 10;
$scope.otherData = {
    start: 0,
    change: 0,
    end: 0

//Slider config with custom display function
$scope.slider_translate = {
    minValue: 100,
    maxValue: 400,
    options: {
        ceil: 500,
        floor: 0,
        translate: function (value) {
            return '$' + value;

//Slider config with steps array of letters
$scope.slider_alphabet = {
    value: 0,
    options: {
        stepsArray: 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'.split('')

//Slider with ticks
$scope.slider_ticks = {
    value: 5,
    options: {
        ceil: 10,
        floor: 0,
        showTicks: true

//Slider with ticks and values
$scope.slider_ticks_values = {
    value: 5,
    options: {
        ceil: 10,
        floor: 0,
        showTicksValues: true

//Slider with ticks and values and tooltip
$scope.slider_ticks_values_tooltip = {
    value: 5,
    options: {
        ceil: 10,
        floor: 0,
        showTicksValues: true,
        ticksValuesTooltip: function (v) {
            return 'Tooltip for ' + v;

//Range slider with ticks and values
$scope.range_slider_ticks_values = {
    minValue: 1,
    maxValue: 8,
    options: {
        ceil: 10,
        floor: 0,
        showTicksValues: true

//Slider with draggable range
$scope.slider_draggable_range = {
    minValue: 1,
    maxValue: 8,
    options: {
        ceil: 10,
        floor: 0,
        draggableRange: true

//Slider with draggable range only
$scope.slider_draggable_range_only = {
  minValue: 4,
  maxValue: 6,
  options: {
    ceil: 10,
    floor: 0,
    draggableRangeOnly: true

//Vertical sliders
$scope.verticalSlider1 = {
    value: 0,
    options: {
        floor: 0,
        ceil: 10,
        vertical: true
$scope.verticalSlider2 = {
    minValue: 20,
    maxValue: 80,
    options: {
        floor: 0,
        ceil: 100,
        vertical: true
$scope.verticalSlider3 = {
    value: 5,
    options: {
        floor: 0,
        ceil: 10,
        vertical: true,
        showTicks: true
$scope.verticalSlider4 = {
    minValue: 1,
    maxValue: 5,
    options: {
        floor: 0,
        ceil: 6,
        vertical: true,
        showTicksValues: true
$scope.verticalSlider5 = {
    value: 50,
    options: {
        floor: 0,
        ceil: 100,
        vertical: true,
        showSelectionBar: true
$scope.verticalSlider6 = {
    value: 6,
    options: {
        floor: 0,
        ceil: 6,
        vertical: true,
        showSelectionBar: true,
        showTicksValues: true,
        ticksValuesTooltip: function (v) {
            return 'Tooltip for ' + v;

//Read-only slider
$scope.read_only_slider = {
    value: 50,
    options: {
        ceil: 100,
        floor: 0,
        readOnly: true

//Disabled slider
$scope.disabled_slider = {
    value: 50,
    options: {
        ceil: 100,
        floor: 0,
        disabled: true

// Slider inside ng-show
$scope.visible = false;
$scope.slider_toggle = {
    value: 5,
    options: {
        ceil: 10,
        floor: 0
$scope.toggle = function () {
    $scope.visible = !$scope.visible;
    $timeout(function () {

//Slider inside modal
$scope.percentages = {
    normal: {
        low: 15
    range: {
        low: 10,
        high: 50
$scope.openModal = function () {
    var modalInstance = ${
        templateUrl: 'sliderModal.html',
        controller: function ($scope, $modalInstance, values) {
            $scope.percentages = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(values)); //Copy of the object in order to keep original values in $scope.percentages in parent controller.

            var formatToPercentage = function (value) {
                return value + '%';

            $scope.percentages.normal.options = {
                floor: 0,
                ceil: 100,
                translate: formatToPercentage,
                showSelectionBar: true
            $scope.percentages.range.options = {
                floor: 0,
                ceil: 100,
                translate: formatToPercentage
            $scope.ok = function () {
            $scope.cancel = function () {
        resolve: {
            values: function () {
                return $scope.percentages;
    modalInstance.result.then(function (percentages) {
        $scope.percentages = percentages;
    modalInstance.rendered.then(function () {
        $rootScope.$broadcast('rzSliderForceRender'); //Force refresh sliders on render. Otherwise bullets are aligned at left side.

//Slider inside tabs
$scope.tabSliders = {
    slider1: {
        value: 100
    slider2: {
        value: 200
$scope.refreshSlider = function () {
    $timeout(function () {

//Slider with draggable range
$scope.slider_all_options = {
    minValue: 2,
    options: {
        floor: 0,
        ceil: 10,
        step: 1,
        precision: 0,
        draggableRange: false,
        showSelectionBar: false,
        hideLimitLabels: false,
        readOnly: false,
        disabled: false,
        showTicks: false,
        showTicksValues: false
$scope.toggleHighValue = function () {
    if ($scope.slider_all_options.maxValue != null) {
        $scope.slider_all_options.maxValue = undefined;
    } else {
        $scope.slider_all_options.maxValue = 8;


Please help!