Importing Weather Forecast from (aka via MQTT 2.x Binding


my goal was to receive the current outside weather temperatures from our norwegian weather service ( This service provides also data for all other locations using the european weather service. I wasn’t too happy to register at weatherundergrood and yahoo data wasn’t that good?

Dataflow: API --> Script (bash) --> XMLtoJSON --> MQTT --> OpenHab
Goal: Get the weather data and have the possibility to extract more info of the forecast.
Status: Archieved! :smiley:

Why quite updated weather reports, no registration - free as in beer.

technical gotchas :

  1. large JSON files (without JSONPATH filter) cause out of memory errors using the current binding
  2. Finding the JSONPath was easy with: and (The first has a nice point and click UI so that you can “browse” to your jsonpath :heart_eyes:

If you need to get started with MQTT 2.x try one of my earlier posts: Trouble with MQTT Bindings 2.x - eventsTriggered - Item stale

So here is what I have done:

  1. Script to to talk to /
# Getting data to MQTT broker
# Location is Karmøy. Where else would you be?
data=$(curl '' -X GET >/tmp/yr.xml)
#todo move to temporary yr file and utilize parameter
dataJson=$(python /usr/local/bin/openhab/ /tmp/yr.xml)
echo $dataJson  >/tmp/yr.json
mosquitto_pub -t /Yr -f /tmp/yr.json
#utilize this one to find path
mv /tmp/yr.json /tmp/yr.json.old
mv /tmp/yr.xml /tmp/yr.xml.old

  1. Converting the XML to JSON Script
user@openhab:/usr/local/bin/openhab# cat
### Extremely simple XML --> JSON Parser
import xmltodict
import pprint
import json
import sys
with open(fileName) as fd:
    doc = xmltodict.parse(
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

Here is how I have created the MQTT channels and linked them to Items:

Detailed Channel Config:





Again, grafana to the rescue to create graphs:

I hope you find this useful! :slight_smile:

Continously running the script

openhabcron@openhab:~$ crontab -l
21 * * * * /usr/local/bin/openhab/

Nice stuff!

I like the JSONPath transformation in the MQTTv2 Channel. This example can be used in multiple scenarios.

(moved the thread over to “Tutorials & Examples”) I think that it belongs there :+1:

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The data is xml. Why not use the XPATH transformation to extract the correct value, instead of first converting it to json and then using the json path? ^^


David, totally agree. I tried, but my time cap was hit (multiple times) and I found it more useful to have a solution - than not having one :).

My Issue was that the available tools (xmllint) that I have tried didn’t want to play with me. Can you assist with the correct XPATH transformations and i’ll be happy to update my howto / create a new one!

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JSONPath is actually modelled after XPATH. Should be very close to what you have right now. Use a tool like Free Online XPath Tester / Evaluator - to test the xml with the XPATH

My next question would of course be, why not using the Http binding, instead of the MQTT binding :smiley:

Cheers, David

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Thanks mate. I had multiple reasons.

1)utilizing MQTT I could update multiple clients using the same data. HTTP Data will be a “dump only” approach. Having a “mqtt subscriber” in debug mode will give me the possibility to TSHOOT any issues :).
2) MQTT 2.x examples (working) are very few off. So by learning, documenting and sharing I hope to give something back to the community :).

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Thanks for the idea ! I used the HTTP Binding for doing the same.



X = latitude
Y = longitude
Z = altitude


Number temperature_metNo "[%.1f]" {http="<[metNo:10000:XPATH(number(/weatherdata/product/time[1]/location/temperature/@value))]"}
Number humidity_metNo "[%.1f]" {http="<[metNo:10000:XPATH(number(/weatherdata/product/time[1]/location/humidity/@value))]"}


Text item=temperature_metNo icon="temperature" label="Température extérieur [%.1f °C]"
Text item=humidity_metNo icon="humidity" label="humidité extérieur [%.1f rel%%]"

Best regards

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Great solution @Tycale

I’'ve been searching for a simple way to get the data used on for my OpenHAB sitemap. Load up XPATH and the HTTP binding, use your sample above and all the data I need is available.

Just one little typo in the met.No.url above. There should be a “?” between “1.9/” and “lat”.

Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for the feedback, it is fixed :slight_smile:

For OH3, this is an example of a textual configuration for getting the snow depth at a particular location in Norway:

Thing http:url:yrmountain "HTTP thing for snow depth" [baseURL="", refresh="3600", username="", username="exxxxxx8-9xx8-4xxb-8xxa-ba77xxxxxx8", password=""] {
        Type number : snowdepth "Snowdepth" [stateExtension="v0.jsonld?sources=SN51800&referencetime=latest&elements=surface_snow_thickness", mode="READONLY", 
        Type number : temperatur "Temperatur" [stateExtension="v0.jsonld?sources=SN51800&referencetime=latest&elements=air_temperature", mode="READONLY",

and associated items:

Number Snowdepth {channel="http:url:yrmountain:snodybde", expire="48h"}
Number Mountaintemperature {channel="http:url:yrmountain:temperatur", expire="48h"}

You need to obtain a client id via a user account at, and obtain the location id via

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