Number Multi1 “Multi1_Temperature” { channel=“zwave:fibaro_fgms001_03_002:sensor_binary:sensor_temperature” }
I already managed to include the Zwave Controller via File and it is showing online. The multisensor is just showing “initialising” and doesn’t show any data.
I can see the sensor in oh2, but it is not working (not showing any data), nether can I manipulate the confic parameters of the Sensor. Also there is no XML-File created for the Multisensor.
I 'm working on the automation of the including process, which is why I don’t want to do it with the UI discovery mode.
Note that you can’t define things in text files with the current snapshot - only the development version supports this at the moment.
Note that if you use the text files there are some limitations with configuring the system in that you won’t be able to change configuration through the UI and the binding does not update the configuration of every device on startup.
Just to clarify - you have included the device initially using the UI - right? It’s not possible to include devices without using the UI. Once a device is included, then you can define it in the things file.
One thing that looks wrong in your definition is you have set the node id as a string - it’s an integer (zwave_nodeid=2).
Oh no, the idea was to add the things without the UI completely, as it sometimes took very long to include the sensors and update the parameters. We are using openhab and zwave on a higher scale, which is why I wanted to implement an automation of the including process.
That’s not really possible. The inclusion process needs to be triggered somehow - the binding only enables inclusion for a short time (30 seconds). Secure inclusion is even worse in this respect.
OH allows you to configure the system with text files, but the ZWave inclusion still needs to be triggered somehow - you can’t just define the things and expect them to work without including the devices into the controller.
Your other option if you are using the Aeon controller is it has a button to allow inclusion, so you could do this manually with the stick, then start the binding, work out what the node numbers are (remember, the controller allocates these - not the binding) and then configure the things.
Hard to say really as there’s not a lot of information. It takes time to identify a battery device. Maybe you didn’t wake it up?
You’ll need to first add the thing, then you can link the items to the channel. You can find the channels seupported in the XML - this will soon be added to the documentation once this is integrated, but currently the database is the best place.
If you include a device twice without excluding it, then you can end up with multiple devices in the controller. The controller doesn’t know that you included the same device twice, or two different devices of the same type.
Have you woken up the device? A log showing the device being woken up is needed and I don’t see that in your log.
In the logs - if the logs don’t show it being woken up, then it probably isn’t. Are you actually waking it up or not? You need to physically wake it up - there will be a button to press and you need to read the manual to find out what to do as each device will be different.
Okay so the sensor is added and identified as a motion sensor, how can I change the paramaters like wake-up period etc? Do I have to use the UI for that?