Inclusion problem with Fibaro Smoke detector FGSS-001-DE-A-v1.00

Hello I try to ivlude this smoke detector but it don’t run. It creates a new node but without content. I found some older blog here in this community but probably it’s unsolved.
The file “/var/lib/openhab/zwave/node19.xml” do not exist.
Is this smoke detector presently not part of openHAB?
Here is my log file:

2016-03-29 15:00:41.682 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.s.AddNodeMessageClass[:84]- NODE 19: Adding slave.
2016-03-29 15:00:41.683 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.ZWaveController[:648]- Notifying event listeners: ZWaveInclusionEvent
2016-03-29 15:00:41.684 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.ZWaveActiveBinding[:449]- ZwaveIncomingEvent
2016-03-29 15:00:41.685 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.s.ZWaveCommandProcessor[:66]- Sent message Message: class = AddNodeToNetwork (0x4A), type = Request (0x00), payload = 81 FF
2016-03-29 15:00:41.686 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.s.ZWaveCommandProcessor[:67]- Recv message Message: class = AddNodeToNetwork (0x4A), type = Request (0x00), payload = FF 03 13 0E 04 A1 02 9C 31 86 72 70 85 8E 8B 56 84 80
2016-03-29 15:00:41.687 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.s.ZWaveCommandProcessor[:68]- Checking transaction complete: class=AddNodeToNetwork, expected=AddNodeToNetwork, cancelled=false
2016-03-29 15:00:41.688 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.s.ZWaveCommandProcessor[:74]- transaction complete!
2016-03-29 15:00:41.688 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.ZWaveController[:648]- Notifying event listeners: ZWaveTransactionCompletedEvent
2016-03-29 15:00:41.689 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.ZWaveActiveBinding[:449]- ZwaveIncomingEvent
2016-03-29 15:00:42.787 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.ZWaveController$ZWaveReceiveThread[:1530]- Receive Message = 01 07 00 4A FF 05 13 00 5B
2016-03-29 15:00:42.806 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.ZWaveController$ZWaveReceiveThread[:1446]- Receive queue ADD: Length=1
2016-03-29 15:00:42.806 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.ZWaveController[:1194]- Receive queue TAKE: Length=0
2016-03-29 15:00:42.808 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.SerialMessage[:243]- Assembled message buffer = 01 07 00 4A FF 05 13 00 5B
2016-03-29 15:00:42.809 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.ZWaveController[:1195]- Process Message = 01 07 00 4A FF 05 13 00 5B
2016-03-29 15:00:42.810 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.ZWaveController[:194]- Message: class = AddNodeToNetwork (0x4A), type = Request (0x00), payload = FF 05 13 00
2016-03-29 15:00:42.810 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.s.AddNodeMessageClass[:94]- Add Node: Protocol done.
2016-03-29 15:00:42.811 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.s.ZWaveCommandProcessor[:66]- Sent message Message: class = AddNodeToNetwork (0x4A), type = Request (0x00), payload = 81 FF
2016-03-29 15:00:42.812 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.s.ZWaveCommandProcessor[:67]- Recv message Message: class = AddNodeToNetwork (0x4A), type = Request (0x00), payload = FF 05 13 00
2016-03-29 15:00:42.813 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.s.ZWaveCommandProcessor[:68]- Checking transaction complete: class=AddNodeToNetwork, expected=AddNodeToNetwork, cancelled=false
2016-03-29 15:00:42.814 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.s.ZWaveCommandProcessor[:74]- transaction complete!
2016-03-29 15:00:42.814 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.ZWaveController[:648]- Notifying event listeners: ZWaveTransactionCompletedEvent
2016-03-29 15:00:42.815 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.ZWaveActiveBinding[:449]- ZwaveIncomingEvent

016-03-29 15:02:13.806 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.i.ZWaveNodeStageAdvancer[:1020]- NODE 19: Node advancer - WAIT: The WAIT is over!
2016-03-29 15:02:13.807 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.i.ZWaveNodeStageAdvancer[:202]- NODE 19: Node advancer - checking initialisation queue. Queue size 0.
2016-03-29 15:02:13.807 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread[:1364]- NODE 6: Response processed after 72ms/219ms.

2016-03-29 15:01:04.543 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.ZWaveActiveBinding[:449]- ZwaveIncomingEvent
2016-03-29 15:01:04.543 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.i.ZWaveNodeStageAdvancer[:1034]- NODE 19: Node advancer - FAILED_CHECK: Transaction complete (IsFailedNodeID:Request) success(true)
2016-03-29 15:01:04.544 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.i.ZWaveNodeStageAdvancer[:202]- NODE 19: Node advancer - checking initialisation queue. Queue size 1.
2016-03-29 15:01:04.544 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.i.ZWaveNodeStageAdvancer[:208]- NODE 19: Node advancer - message removed from queue. Queue size 0.
2016-03-29 15:01:04.545 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.i.ZWaveNodeStageAdvancer[:267]- NODE 19: Node advancer - FAILED_CHECK: queue length(0), free to send(true)
2016-03-29 15:01:04.545 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.i.ZWaveNodeStageAdvancer[:332]- NODE 19: Node advancer: loop - FAILED_CHECK try 1: stageAdvanced(false)
2016-03-29 15:01:04.546 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.i.ZWaveNodeStageAdvancer[:890]- NODE 19: Node advancer - advancing to WAIT
2016-03-29 15:01:04.547 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.i.ZWaveNodeStageAdvancer[:332]- NODE 19: Node advancer: loop - WAIT try 0: stageAdvanced(true)
2016-03-29 15:01:04.547 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.i.ZWaveNodeStageAdvancer[:380]- NODE 19: Node advancer: WAIT - Listening=false, FrequentlyListening=false
2016-03-29 15:01:04.548 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.i.ZWaveNodeStageAdvancer[:398]- NODE 19: Node advancer: WAIT - Still waiting!
2016-03-29 15:01:04.548 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread[:1364]- NODE 255: Response processed after 51ms/219ms.
2016-03-29 15:01:31.373 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.c.ZWaveConfiguration[:1095]- doSet domain ‘nodes/node19/Name’ to ‘Rauchmelder 1’
2016-03-29 15:02:13.727 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.ZWaveNetworkMonitor[:351]- NODE 6: Sending periodic PING.
2016-03-29 15:02:13.728 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.c.ZWaveNoOperationCommandClass[:72]- NODE 6: Creating new message for command No Operation
2016-03-29 15:02:13.729 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.SerialMessage[:113]- NODE 6: Creating empty message of class = SendData (0x13), type = Request (0x00)
2016-03-29 15:02:13.730 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.p.ZWaveController[:947]- Callback ID = 131

Has no one an idea? I tried it also with ex- and inclusion but with the same result. It seems that this device is not supported. Or exists here a special trick?

There’s nothing in the log from this device, so it’s not communicating with the controller. Either you’ve not woken it up, or it’s too far from the controller, or it’s not properly included into the network.