Starting point I believe was a reboot of the host system, possibly linked with a zigbee2mqtt update and following configuration issues of zb2mqtt (I have tried going back in version to 1.40.0 without any improvement).
No changes in habapp-rules/configuration.
Nothing in openhab-logs.
Nothing peculiar in habapp-logs. Version. 24.11.1
Openhab-version is latest (4.3.2)
No performance issues of host what I can see (proxmox/debian/docker)
For the moment seems solved. Did “sudo apt-get update && time sudo apt-get dist-upgrade”
on the proxmox/debian and ping responses seems to be back to normal (around 7-8ms with seldom spikes up to low 20ms) .
Not really. Spikes during restart/startup of the debian but generally no. Tried to go up in ram from 4GB to 5GB as a first attempt, no change.
Sometimes HABapp would recover, but sometime it seems it gave up (trying to communicate with openhab), never came to a stable point however before the apt-get update of the debian.
Also. I did edit the compose-file, moving InfluxDB to start before Openhab in parallel to apt-updating so cannot be sure what was the culprit.
Just a short update. I have a suspect for the ping inconsistency now and that is that the swap-size on the debian system was to small.
There is a periodical bump in ping delay every day at 12:00. I dont know yet the process causing this but guesing on some kind of maintenance/update. Anyway, my swapsize was previously about 1G (while RAM was 3.5-4.5Gb, I tested different RAM sizes with no real difference in behaviour).
The solution: added a 2G swap file (system RAM: 3G, swap: 3G total) and so far ping response times are consistent and no crashes so far.