Inconsistent state reported by Sonos ‘State’ channels

All my previous tests were using Apple Music, initiated via the Sonos App. I’ve just repeated the steps to reproduce this with Amazon Music, TuneIn and Sonos Radio, and the results are the same.

Here are the steps broken down. Once again I’ve made sure to disable all rules for this test:
Note: In the screenshots below, the Sonos app always exhibits the expected behaviour (i.e. it accurately reflects the reality of whether speakers are grouped or playing etc.)

  1. Start playing music in Kitchen [expected behaviour]

  2. Add Conservatory to Kitchen (Kitchen is localcoordinator) [expected behaviour]

  3. Remove Conservatory from Kitchen [expected behaviour]

  4. Add Conservatory to Kitchen again (Kitchen is localcoordinator) [expected behaviour]

  5. Remove Kitchen from Kitchen group

  • Sonos App: Speakers are ungrouped and music plays on Conservatory [expected behaviour]
  • OpenHAB: Both speakers are reported as PAUSE & STOPPED by Control & State channels [unexpected behaviour]
    Exepected behaviour: Conservatory should continue to report a PLAYING state and Group Name should become Conservatory. All Kitchen items are being reported correctly, as is the Conservatory master state, which turns ON.
  1. Add Kitchen to Conservatory (Conservatory is localcoordinator)
  • Sonos App: Speakers are grouped and music plays both speakers [expected behaviour]
  • OpenHAB: Both speakers continue to be reported as PAUSE & STOPPED by Control & State channels. Group Name continues to be Kitchen [unexpected behaviour]
    Exepected behaviour: State is PLAYING and Group Name is Conservatory for both speakers.
  1. Remove Conservatory from Conservatory group [expected behaviour]

So it appears that it is not just the Control and State channels that are reporting inaccurately, but also the “Group Name” (which is my friendly name for zonegroupid)