Incorporating Matter

I’m seeing huge interest but still not a whole lot of available devices. Lots of controllers and Thread routers are on this list but not that many actual devices. For example, only three lights ship with Matter support right now, no smart switches, four smart plugs, two sensors, no locks, no thermostats, etc.

There’s a bunch of stuff expecting to get updates sometime this year that will more than could the list, but it’s still a short list. Note this article was written in April.

And you have big players like Belkin stepping back from supporting Matter at all in the near future.

I’m not arguing that we shouldn’t support Matter. Eventually it will be a must. But I don’t think availability of hardware combined with the availability of willing volunteers has reached a level where it’s feasible yet. Note that unlike HA, we are a 100% volunteer effort. We do not and can not hire developers to work on things. And it looks like HA went and developed their own USB dongle to support Zigbee/Thread/Matter. Home Assistant launches SkyConnect USB stick with Zigbee, Thread, Matter support - CNX Software but it only appears to work on Home Assistant OS and in a way that would be very challenging to support in OH I think. And so far it’s the only dongle I can find.

Matter over WiFi would probably be easier to support but I’m not sure that will take us very far.

It appears that Espressif has an ESP32-H2 configuration that supports Thread. but it’s a stand alone device.

Just to clarify - most of serial sticks I saw work more or less in the same way, regardless of manufacturer. Their role is bridging radio traffic to serial interface thus I doubt if they do anything more than just packing up packets and flushing them to the other side of USB port. Making anything more advanced on such devices is fairly difficult due to limited resources available for microcontroller.
Serial protocol is EmberZNet Serial Protocol, which I think @chris might be familiar with, given ember stick used for zigbee.
Making branded hardware is a way to cash out people interested in it and promise them better support. :wink:

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My comment was based on the following

Why start with Home Assistant OS support for multi-protocol?

A standalone Zigbee or standalone Thread stick works by turning radio signals into radio packets and then processing those radio packets and making that available over a serial port.

With multi-protocol, the processing of the radio packets is moved into Linux daemons. This means we run one daemon to split the radio packets into Zigbee and Thread streams, one daemon to process the Zigbee radio packets and one daemon to process the Thread radio packets.

To make this all work together, we need to strictly manage the version of the firmware on the stick and the three different Linux daemons. The easiest way for us to do this is using Home Assistant add-ons in a known host environment, which is Home Assistant OS.

from Home Assistant SkyConnect - Home Assistant

Even a cheap 6.82€ 66% OFF|ZigBee 3,0 ZB GW04 Silicon Labs Universal Gateway USB Dongle Mini EFR32MG21 Universelle Offene Quelle Hub USB Dongle| | - AliExpress should be able to support [Open]Thread - not sure about the quality of the antenna though … :slight_smile:

Multiprotocol stuff is not new, it is supported by some of hardware manufacturers at chip/radio level. I remember some chats about dual band zigbee sticks, so its not a new concept. It also makes a ton of sense if you have two radio frequencies for specific standard to pack them into one stick. The Home Assistant messaging is just nicely put marketing.
Serial protocol they use is manufacturer specific, not specific to HA.

I’ve been hopeful that this will be the way forward. Since Matter is a mesh network combining Thread and WiFi, perhaps OH could be added to a border router as a client. Then, OH should be able to see and interact with other devices on the network. In this scenario, OH would work with Matter out of the box without requiring a Thread radio of its own.

At least, that’s how it would work in my head. Reality is probably a different story.

But hey, just now I found this. It’s beyond me to say if this could be carried over to openHAB, so I’m showing it to my talented and curious friends.

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I think that is a matter (lol) of product release cycles and little more. Check this out:

It’s hidden towards the bottom, but you’ll find a list of devices (lots of lights!) being updated to matter.
That’s mostly US based, but it will scale to us.

Does this mean we have to rush in any way? Of course not.
I fully expect to see someone buying a matter device, wants it exposed to openHAB, and the following week we will have a solution for it.
I see this community as a group of people who work their best when they have a problem in front of them to work on.

I also do not feel like matter is “here” yet, so yeah… we have time.

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Nearly. The issue is more likely you need to have the hardware at hand to properly develop a solution. It is possible to do this „remote“, without having the hardware, but this is really hard. I did this couple of times for Wemo devices not sold in the EU and the IntesisBox I am not using for my HVAC.
So we either have to find a developer who is willing to get those devices or find someone who is willing to provide them to a developer for implementation.


If there is a developer that is interested could they provide an idea of what hardware they would need to work on it? We could setup a bounty to cover the costs and those non-developers could put their money where their mouth is. :wink: I would certainly be willing to throw in a few euros towards it; although OpenHAB is open source I don’t think it’s unreasonable for developers to ask for loan of hardware or some help towards buying it.

  1. I’ve already been looking for smart stuff in Europe but I can’t find anything that interesting. The tapo plug I cannot find in amazon Spain, to basically ship it to someone willing to dedicate some of their time to this. the availability is scarce at best.

  2. no no, it’s part of the community effort. Be it bounties, providing hardware, offering moral support (or coffee. I’m always happy to buy coffee to any dev working on community projects. Or tea. Or beer.) heck, I’m not a programmer but I’ll do whatever I can to help.

Just to caution as this has burned us in the past. Donations to the openHAB Foundation cannot be used for this purpose. Some other fund raising platform would need to be used.


Good point.

FWIW I know that both Philips Hue API v2 bridges and HD Powerview Gen 3 gateways do support Matter. However as we already have OH integrations for those systems, the Matter integration is moot.

I took a peek at the Matter example for a Java controller. It’s NOT a Java example. It is a Kotlin JNI wrapper around the C++ Matter reference implementation for what I surmise is for Android.

Would wraping this in an OH OSGI binding be accepted? Reversing/Decompiling the Kotlin to Java and refactoring it to an OH OSGI JNI wrapper?

Wrapping the Matter C++ makes me :face_vomiting:
But the level of effort for a pure java implementation is daunting.

I think the Bluetooth binding does something like that. If I’m correct that means there is precedence. The challenge I think will be making it cross platform.

Hey guys, found something interesting over on AliExpress choice:

What I see is a 9 euro matter smart rgb bulb from zenismart with free shipping. Might be a good test case if anyone is willing to start looking at this matter thing.

Adding kotlin runtime library will increase weight of addon by significant amount. Yet it could be a smooth start for doing something. Making it an OSGi bundle may not be trivial, but definitely possible. We do have bunch of JNI libs such as rxtx/nrjavaserial and tinyb until it was maintained.

Was you able to confirm that library is functional?

Handling native libs in Java sucks, that’s something which looks much more compact in Python. :wink:

I have not tried

I have not tried. The only Matter device I have is an Apple TV 4k, which is only a border router.

Yale Assure SL locks, of which I have 2, is supposed to be getting a Matter module (~$50 usd) which is supposed to be able to replace my Zigbee module, the only item on sale is the full lock. I am constantly checking for the module to be available.

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Github slapped me with this one: GitHub - Samsung/ioter: Ioter released by Samsung is an open-source implementation of the Matter Thread Emulator. Looks like there is software emulator. Since Thread stack will result in a new net interface I suppose it might be possible to attach to it without a RF dongle. All examples in point to phone making an action, which means that whole thing probably goes via wifi to emulator.

Sorry i have missed this thread for so long! I have been casually pursuing a matter strategy for a little while, its probably a good time to share what i’m thinking and how I plan to spend my free time.

this is very tl;dr , just warning ya…

So around Christmas I took a long weekend and was able to get a pure, non android build of the connectedhome (project chip) java client working, the basis of this can be found at, although i had to make a few tweaks.

While i did manage to get this working after a few long days, the road was not easy and it discovered many issues which ultimately led me to abandon using the main connectedhomeip (chip) project at all. Some of the issue i encountered:

  1. Thee project is painful to build, i mean really painful. I had to make several tweaks to the Make files to get this working, hand build several sub modules and dependent sub modules, and other build related changes, this is for the pure java version. Now, this could probably fixed with more time spent hardening the build and Make files, but thats no small feat. For anyone else who wants to try, I strongly recommend using their container (docker) based build system, trying to do it manually is difficult.

  2. Building anything in the project requires a full build of mostly everything…which is a lot! See point 3.

  3. The project is HUGE, the source alone is gigantic, by the time you download and build your working directory is over 20G+. This also means builds are SLOW…

  4. The project is not entirely cross platform, it really wants to run on unix/linux/android and not windows. Not a problem for my system, but thinking about this for our community it seems like an issue. Also not all architectures are supported for the sub projects or example applications. This of course can be fixed through changing the build system / Make files in most cases, but that actually proved difficult ( i had a x86 build, was trying to get arm working which was not supported in the java app out of the box)

  5. The actual Java example app was buggy and missing a lot of features. In fact i experienced many issues which seem to plague some of the other CLI and wrapper apps, so i was not convinced this was strictly an issue with the Java example app.

  6. Its not clear that the non core example apps and libraries will be maintained over time. Development is sporadic on them, the main focus of this project is really around hardware manufacturers and embedded devices.

So again, i left with a pretty bad taste in my mouth, the idea of trying to maintain an integration using a java wrapper around the main project was not something i was interested in doing, and i think would be a maintenance nightmare over time.

So, i started to look else where… and found another project written in pure Typescript.

This was interesting to me as we have a very high performance Javascript runtime engine in our core based on Graalvm. Looking more into this project reveled a lot of positives as a potential candidate…in fact i would say it almost seemed designed to be embedded and checked a lot of boxes for me. The main developer is actually a member of the ioBroker project, another home automation system.

  1. The code is clean, easy to read, easy to build, easy to run.

  2. The project is split into 2 modules, a pure Typescript core and then a NodeJS implementation which provides the native bits for running like network, storage and crypto. This is done in a clean and pluggable architecture.

  3. It implements both a server and client , so not only can we control matter devices, we can expose local devices to other matter servers (like Alexa, Google Home or Apple Home).

  4. Very, very active project

  5. I was able to contribute and have my first PR accepted quickly :wink:
    Implements ManualPairingCodeSchema.decodeInternal() by digitaldan · Pull Request #124 · project-chip/matter.js · GitHub , try that with the main chip project!

  6. The project has been adopted by the project-chip organization and lives in their github space, but is not run by the very big guys (apple, google, amazon, zensys) . This is actually a big deal, and really legitimizes the importance of this project, but still makes it easy to work with.

The lead dev and i have had a few conversations about this integration and he was very positive about supporting us and this use case, even suggesting we contribute a Java implementation to the project.

My plan is to get a proof of concept working, which requires loading the matter.js core along with a small sample typescript app and then providing it with Java implementations of the required network, storage and crypto , which so far seems very doable.

This is also still in the prototype / discovery phase, so of course lots could go wrong, and maybe it won’t work, but i’m optimistic about it.

The only thing holding me back right now is time. Life has become very busy for me and i have not been able to break away and work on openHAB related stuff which has been super disappointing.