Influx Failed to execute query


Getting quite a few of these errors when calling the influxdb service.

[InfluxDB2RepositoryImpl] - Failed to execute query 'FilterCriteria [itemName=LivingRoom_Tall_Lamp_OnOff, beginDate=null, endDate=2023-11-11T20:30:04.901472208Z[Europe/Dublin], pageNumber=0, pageSize=1, operator=EQ, ordering=DESCENDING, state=null]': timeout
[InfluxDB2RepositoryImpl] - Failed to execute query 'FilterCriteria [itemName=Hall_UnderStairs_Lamp_OnOff, beginDate=null, endDate=2023-11-11T20:30:15.120751104Z[Europe/Dublin], pageNumber=0, pageSize=1, operator=EQ, ordering=DESCENDING, state=null]': Read timed out

Any ideas what could be causing this?

Your influxdb instance is lacking resources or is busy scanning disk to answer query. So openhab persistence service call times out before influx gives result.

I do have the same errors but my influxdb2 is idle.