Hello openHAB2 fans,
I have according to this guide
The openHAB2 installed. I had already installed the snapshot version with the same result.
If I enter in my browser the URL 192. … /Start/index, the openHAB2 is not started. The browser connects and connects but does not connect.
I installed the following JAVA programs on the NAS:
JAVA SE Embedde 8 - Version 1.8.0_121-0043
JAVA 8 version 8.0.101-0011
The public / openHAB2 / conf folder was created before the installation and is empty after the installation.
I hope I can be helped, thank you in advance before.
Greetings Thomas
I am VERY GRATABLE when I get in touch with German.
Mail to kuleleux (at) gmx.de or via Threema-ID C74RYSSB.