Installed Openhab on Raspbian, but Launching just causes endless loop of messages

Hey guys I’m new to openhab and just installed it on my Raspberry Pi 2, I think it wen well. I followed these instructions exactly:

However when I go to launch Openhab by doing, sudo ./ , I just get endless repeating messages as you can see from the screenshots.

this is what happens initially after I launch the file:

And this is what repeats and repeats and repeats until I am forced to close the connection:

Thanks for any help it is greatly greatly appreciated.


Edit: I know the instructables installation steps have a few notation errors, but as noted in one of the comments I did the correct steps with the comment changes.

The BindException indicates that something is already listening on port 8080. You could try a different port by editing

thank you so much you were so right, I forgot I had uv4l installed from a year ago on it. I did a complete reinstall of raspian wheezy, ty so much steve1!

The instructables instructions are out of date and can lead to problems. I contacted the author about updating it some time ago but it appears to be unchanged. I recommend starting over with installation using the much simpler “apt-get” method:

This will allow you to perform updates with

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Thanks Watou, that’s exactly what I did and it installed perfectly!