Instead of OpenHAB GUI, getting Jenkin login screen when I access OH in port 8080

Hi All,

When I access OpenHAB2 in port 8080, I am getting Jenkin login screen Instead of OH2 GUI.

I have tried various methods to solve this issue,

  1. I have added below lines in /etc/openhab2/services/addon.cfg
#package = minimal

  1. I have added below lines in /etc/default/openhab2
  1. I have added below lines in /usr/share/openhab2

echo Launching the openHAB runtime...

DIRNAME=`dirname "$0"`
exec "${DIRNAME}/runtime/bin/karaf" "${@}"


None of them are working. I can able to access OH2 GUI in port 8443 but I am not getting in 8080.

Please help me to fix this issue .


Only one service can listen on port 8080 so stop your Jenkins instance and restart openHAB.

I will stop Jenkins service.
I have forget to attach screen shot.

It is working. I am able to see OH2 GUI at port 8080.
Thanks for the info.