Hey all! I’ve ran openHAB v2 for a few years and picked today as the day to upgrade to v3. I’ve made great progress, but I can’t find any clear information on how to add Insteon Groups through the UI. I’m using a PLM on COM3, which is all setup and successfully found about 30 devices. They are all working great, and I’ve even got Google Assistance integration up and running.
How do I go about controlling Insteon Groups? Like a knucklehead, I deleted my v2 installation without backing up my items file, but I did find some text examples and tried adding them to the UI with the “Add Items from Textual Definition” feature, but it said it was a bad link.
This example is for broadcast group 2. If you have more than one broadcast group replace it with something like [1,2,3], which in this case would configure groups 1 2 and 3.
Thanks Rob! I’m terribly sorry for what is probably a basic question… where is Device Configuration in the UI? Is it the “Code” tab of the PLM “Thing”? Right now it contains:
Thank you again! Those options weren’t available for the original PLM binding, so I assumed I should add a new Thing. I now have a Device Configuration box and have entered my brodcastGroups. They are also showing up in the Channels tab now. Progress!
However… it doesn’t seem to be working. I confirmed the group is correct and functions properly from other applications. After adding the new Thing for the PLM, I went to the Channels tab and clicked “Add Link to Item” for the broadcast group. On the subsequent page, I selected to “Create a new item” and gave it a proper name. The type was preselected to be “Switch” and I left it as-is. I selected “Switch” from Semantic Class, and “Light” from Semantic Property. I left the Profile on Default, and clicked “Link” to finish the creation of the new Item. Inspecting the Item, everything looks correct, but when I click the toggle button to turn the group on or off, nothing happens. What have I missed or done wrong?