Instructions for openHAB on FreeNAS?

Thanks for this. I was able to fix my FreeBSD installation with the help of the details in your post.

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FreeBSD OPENHAB backup script requires 2 variables.

For sure userdata can be found under /var/db/openhab/userdata .
But is conf to find under /var/db/openhab/userdata/config ? I mean its the same path.

Is there anybody who knows? Thanks a lot.

Do you have a running openhab instance on that OS ?
Then login to the karaf console and do:

env | grep -i openhab

Beside other entries you should see something like ( example output is from a Pi installation ) :

String          openhab.conf    /etc/openhab
String          openhab.userdata /var/lib/openhab

Hallo Wolfgang,

In a fresh FreeBSD Installation the variables are not set.
But I found the path to set:

 setenv OPENHAB_USERDATA /var/db/openhab/userdata
 setenv OPENHAB_CONF /usr/local/etc/openhab

setenv because Iam using the csh.

With bash it would be

   export OPENHAB_USERDATA=/var/db/openhab/userdata
   export OPENHAB_CONF=/usr/local/etc/openhab

Then the backup script is running fine.