Integration of public transport API in Habpanel iFrame

I’ve integrated the data from local public transport (Germany, Dresden region, VVO) to my HABPanel. They provide a nice API that gives tram, bus and train data with real-time delay information. My solution is a small HTML/Javascript file that is shown in an iFrame widget.
Here is a screenshot (orangetree style) and the code.


Edit 3. Jan. 2018: update script for missing real time data, debug formatting

<!DOCTYPE html>

<span id="zug" style="font-size:24px; color:#ff9c27; font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;"></span>

  // find the station ID with the Pointfinder API (replace Keyword by part of station/stop name *rly*!)
  const stationID = 12345678; // 
  const statusTable = {
    "Delayed" : "versp&auml;tet",
    "InTime"  : "p&uuml;nktlich",
    // the "Canceled" is never returned, but a " fällt aus" is added to the direction, historical reasons *sic*
    "Canceled": "Zug f&auml;llt aus !",
    "undefined" : "unbekannt"
  var limit = 3;
  var text = "";
  document.getElementById("zug").innerHTML = '<span style="font-size:22pt; color:#ff9c27; float:left"> Lade Daten vom VVO ... </span>';
  // get JSON data from the VVO api
  xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", ""+stationID, false);
  // parse the JSON to a variable 
  var obj = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText);
  document.getElementById("zug").innerHTML = '<span style="font-size:22pt; color:#ff9c27; float:left"> Got it ... </span>';
  // Daten für Züge
  for (i=0; i < limit; i++) {
    var linedir =  '<b>'+obj.Departures[i].LineName + " : " + obj.Departures[i].Direction+' </b>';
    var direction = obj.Departures[i].Direction;
    if (i > 0) { text += '<br><hr style="color:#272727;">' };
    var schedule = parseInt(obj.Departures[i].ScheduledTime.substring(6, 19))
    var time = new Date(schedule);
    var soll = time.toTimeString().substring(0, 5);
    var status = statusTable[ obj.Departures[i].State ] ;
    document.getElementById("zug").innerHTML = '<span style="font-size:22pt; color:#ff9c27; float:left"> x'+status+'x </span>';
    if (status == "unbekannt") {
      document.getElementById("zug").innerHTML = '<span style="font-size:22pt; color:#ff9c27; float:left"> hier </span>';
      delay = '';
      status = 'keine Echtzeitdaten verf&uuml;gbar.';
      color = 'grey'; 
    } else {
      var status = statusTable[ obj.Departures[i].State ] ;
      var delay =  Math.floor(((parseInt(obj.Departures[i].RealTime.substring(6, 19))) - schedule)/60000);
      if (delay > 0) {
        delay = '<b style="color:red">&nbsp;+'+delay+'</b>';
        color = 'red';
      } else if (direction.substring(direction.length-10, direction.length) == " fällt aus") {
        linedir = '<b>'+obj.Departures[i].LineName + " : " + obj.Departures[i].Direction.substring(0, obj.Departures[i].Direction.length-10)+' </b>' ;
        delay = '';
        status = "Zug f&auml;llt aus !";
        color = 'red'; 
      } else {
        delay = '';
        color = 'green';
    //delay = delay +" L"+ obj.Departures.length+" i"+i+" n"+n;
    //var status = obj.Departures[i].State + " = "+ statusTable[ obj.Departures[i].State ] ;
    //status => statusTable[status] || status;
    text += linedir + '<span style="float:right">' + soll + delay + '</span><br><i style="color:'+color+'">'+ status + '</i>';
    document.getElementById("zug").innerHTML = '<span style="font-size:22pt; color:#ff9c27; float:left"> Zug '+i+' </span>';
  //text += '<br><span style="font-size:10pt; color:#222222; float:left"> Danke VVO </span>';
  document.getElementById("zug").innerHTML = text;
