Awesome work martin!
I’d love to see Shutter3 protocol implementation.
Here are my captures and decodes from pimatic debug:
shutter3: { id: 384309098, channel: 1, command: 'stop' }
16:40:32debug [pimatic-homeduino]: shutter3: { id: 384309098, channel: 1, command: 'stop' }
16:40:32debug [pimatic-homeduino]: awning2: { id: 1537236392, command: 'stop' }
16:40:32debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 368, 728, 1696, 5284, 10456 ] 3210011010011010100110010101010101100110101001101001100110010101100110011001100114
16:40:32debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 5284 1696 728 368 10456 0 0 0 0123322323322323233223323232323232233223232332232332233223323232233223322332233224"
shutter3: { id: 65542026, channel: 1, command: 'stop' }
16:41:05debug [pimatic-homeduino]: shutter3: { id: 65542026, channel: 1, command: 'down' }
16:41:05debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 364, 732, 1712, 5096, 10956 ] 3201010110101010100110010101010101100110101010010101100110010101100101101010100104
16:41:05debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 5096 1712 364 732 10956 0 0 0 0123232332323232322332232323232323322332323232232323322332232323322323323232322324"
16:41:02debug [pimatic-homeduino]: shutter3: { id: 65542026, channel: 1, command: 'up' }
16:41:02debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 364, 732, 1708, 5100, 10896 ] 3201010110101010100110010101010101100110101010010101100110010101100101011010101004
16:41:02debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 5100 1708 364 732 10896 0 0 0 0123232332323232322332232323232323322332323232232323322332232323322323233232323224"
16:41:02debug [pimatic-homeduino]: shutter3: { id: 65542026, channel: 1, command: 'up' }
16:41:02debug [pimatic-homeduino]: awning2: { id: 262168104, command: 'in' }
16:41:02debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 320, 464, 740, 1716, 5268, 10448 ] 4302020220202020210220020202020202210221212121020202210221020202210202022002020225
16:41:02debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 5268 1716 320 740 464 10448 0 0 0123232332323232342332232323232323342334343434232323342334232323342323233223232335"
shutter3: { id: 535300684, channel: 0, command: 'stop' }
16:42:08debug [pimatic-homeduino]: shutter3: { id: 535300684, channel: 0, command: 'stop' }
16:42:08debug [pimatic-homeduino]: awning2: { id: 2141202736, command: 'stop' }
16:42:08debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 356, 736, 1704, 5280, 10824 ] 3210101010101010100110010101010101011001100101100101101001010101010110011001100114
16:42:08debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 5280 1704 736 356 10824 0 0 0 0123232323232323233223323232323232322332233232233232232332323232323223322332233224"
16:41:39debug [pimatic-homeduino]: shutter3: { id: 535300684, channel: 0, command: 'stop' }
16:41:39debug [pimatic-homeduino]: awning2: { id: 2141202736, command: 'stop' }
16:41:39debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 356, 736, 1552, 5288, 10976 ] 3210101010101010100110010101010101011001100101100101101001010101010110011001100114
16:41:39debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 5288 1552 736 356 10976 0 0 0 0123232323232323233223323232323232322332233232233232232332323232323223322332233224"
shutter3: { id: 4724618, channel: 1, command: 'stop' }
16:44:29debug [pimatic-homeduino]: shutter4: { id: 4724618, channel: '0', all: true, command: 'stop' }
16:44:29debug [pimatic-homeduino]: shutter3: { id: 4724618, channel: 1, command: 'stop' }
16:44:29debug [pimatic-homeduino]: awning2: { id: 18898472, command: 'stop' }
16:44:29debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 356, 736, 1712, 5272, 10452 ] 3201010101010110010110010101010101100110101010010101100110010101100110011001100114
16:44:29debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 5272 1712 356 736 10452 0 0 0 0123232323232332232332232323232323322332323232232323322332232323322332233223322334"
16:44:20debug [pimatic-homeduino]: shutter4: { id: 4724618, channel: '0', all: true, command: 'stop' }
16:44:20debug [pimatic-homeduino]: shutter3: { id: 4724618, channel: 1, command: 'stop' }
16:44:20debug [pimatic-homeduino]: awning2: { id: 18898472, command: 'stop' }
16:44:20debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 360, 736, 1692, 5292, 10452 ] 3201010101010110010110010101010101100110101010010101100110010101100110011001100114
16:44:20debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 5292 1692 360 736 10452 0 0 0 0123232323232332232332232323232323322332323232232323322332232323322332233223322334"
shutter3: { id: 90704460, channel: 0, command: 'down' }
16:35:06debug [pimatic-homeduino]: shutter3: { id: 90704460, channel: 0, command: 'down' }
16:35:06debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 276, 460, 752, 1768, 5204, 11196 ] 4302022102210221210221020202020202022102210202210202212102020202020202212121210205
16:35:06debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 5204 1768 276 752 460 11196 0 0 0123233423342334342334232323232323233423342323342323343423232323232323343434342325"
16:35:06debug [pimatic-homeduino]: shutter3: { id: 90704460, channel: 0, command: 'down' }
16:35:06debug [pimatic-homeduino]: awning2: { id: 362817840, command: 'out' }
16:35:06debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 348, 744, 1708, 5268, 10836 ] 3201011001100110100110010101010101011001100101100101101001010101010101101001011014
16:35:06debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 5268 1708 348 744 10836 0 0 0 0123233223322332322332232323232323233223322323322323323223232323232323323223233234"
16:34:59debug [pimatic-homeduino]: shutter3: { id: 90704460, channel: 0, command: 'stop' }
16:34:59debug [pimatic-homeduino]: awning2: { id: 362817840, command: 'stop' }
16:34:59debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 336, 448, 748, 1572, 5264, 11000 ] 4302022002200220210220020202020202022002200202200202202002020202020220022102210225
16:34:59debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 5264 1572 336 748 448 11000 0 0 0123233223322332342332232323232323233223322323322323323223232323232332233423342335"
shutter3: { id: 373819980, channel: 0, command: 'stop' }
16:35:39debug [pimatic-homeduino]: shutter3: { id: 373819980, channel: 0, command: 'stop' }
16:35:39debug [pimatic-homeduino]: awning2: { id: 1495279920, command: 'stop' }
16:35:39debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 348, 744, 1724, 5272, 10824 ] 3210011010010110010110010101010101011001100101100101101001010101010110011001100114
16:35:39debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 5272 1724 744 348 10824 0 0 0 0123322323323223323223323232323232322332233232233232232332323232323223322332233224"
16:40:43debug [pimatic-homeduino]: shutter3: { id: 373819980, channel: 0, command: 'stop' }
16:40:43debug [pimatic-homeduino]: awning2: { id: 1495279920, command: 'stop' }
16:40:43debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 348, 744, 1564, 5272, 10824 ] 3210011010010110010110010101010101011001100101100101101001010101010110011001100114
16:40:43debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 5272 1564 744 348 10824 0 0 0 0123322323323223323223323232323232322332233232233232232332323232323223322332233224"
shutter3: { id: 285739596, channel: 0, command: 'stop' }
16:35:53debug [pimatic-homeduino]: shutter3: { id: 285739596, channel: 0, command: 'stop' }
16:35:53debug [pimatic-homeduino]: awning2: { id: 1142958384, command: 'stop' }
16:35:53debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 348, 744, 1704, 5124, 10972 ] 3210010101100101010110010101010101011001100101100101101001010101010110011001100114
16:35:53debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 5124 1704 744 348 10972 0 0 0 0123323232233232323223323232323232322332233232233232232332323232323223322332233224"
16:39:14debug [pimatic-homeduino]: shutter3: { id: 285739596, channel: 0, command: 'stop' }
16:39:14debug [pimatic-homeduino]: awning2: { id: 1142958384, command: 'stop' }
16:39:14debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 348, 744, 1704, 5272, 10988 ] 3210010101100101010110010101010101011001100101100101101001010101010110011001100114
16:39:14debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 5272 1704 744 348 10988 0 0 0 0123323232233232323223323232323232322332233232233232232332323232323223322332233224"
Please let me know if you require more …