Io-homecontrol / velux - something's in the bush

Hello Mike,

the messages seem to originate from duplicate activation (two bundles of same type being started).
Let’s try to elimate the older bundle: First determine all velux bundles:

openhab> bundle:list | grep elux

should display the two (or more?) installed bindings. Something like

 10 | Resolved   |  80 |     | velux Binding
 14 | Resolved   |  80 |     | Velux Binding

Then we’ll try to eliminate the older one by taking the bundle id from column one:

openhab> bundle:uninstall 10

Verify the existence of only one velux bundle.

openhab> bundle:list | grep elux

should display the only one installed bindings. I.e.

 14 | Resolved   |  80 |     | Velux Binding

Finished with this, please try to restart OpenHAB2.

Regards, Guenther

The KLF200 is running with firmware more or less stable: From time to time I have to reset the complete device by power cycling as the web service does not respond to certain requests (not talking about problem of the binding but about the plain HTTP browser-based access) from certain ip addresses. Sounds strange but there are some LAN devices which can reach the KLF200 - and others won’t.

The velux binding was installed manually as it is still in process of review.

Regards, Guenther

I’ve just listed and only see one bundle(!?):

openhab> bundle:list | grep elux
242 │ Active   │  80 │     │ Velux Binding

Before investing in the KLF 200, could someone who uses it please confirm
(1) that it allows me to control Somfy io-Homecontrol roller-shutters,
(2) that this control is possible via the wireless io protocol,
(3) that I will be able to learn these function on the KLF 200 using the regular wireless remote controls (SOMFY SMOOVE ORIGIN IO),
(4) that I will be able to control the roller-shutters both independently (e.g., kitchen open or living room close) as well as using the scenes (e.g., all open or all close), and
(5) that the current binding works with the current OpenHAB 2.2.

I’m asking exactly the same questions… is there anyone who can answer them?


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1,2,3: no experiences, sorry
4: you could only use scense, if you want use it like a rolloshutter item, use rules to execute sences
5: yes the current binding works well with 2.3 snapshots

Let me report what I found out in the meantime.
(1) It seems that, yes, it is possible. One person (pobonnet here on the forum) has confirmed that he uses Somfy shutters with the KLF 200. Yet, it seems he does not use the OpenHAB binding. Another online shop has stated that “probably yes”, but no guarantees, yet that Somfy themselves have ordered a KLF 200 from them (apparently to try it). The author of the OpenHAB binding himself (gs4711) does not know about people who used the binding and the KLF 200 together with Somfy shutters.
(2) pobonnet also said that this was possible for him.
(3) pobonnet also said that this was possible for him.
(4) Apparently one can always just execute one scene at a time. Each scene records a specific goal status that you have previously programmed using the KLF 200’s web interface.
(5) This seems to be the case.

So essentially I have confirmation from one person at this time, and not for the the whole combination (Somfy shutters + KLF 200 + OpenHAB). Also, there may be different types of shutters with different io implementations. Yet, if Somfy shutters + KLF 200 works and KLF 200 + OpenHAB works also the whole thing should work, but no guarantees at this time. So if anyone else is willing to confirm that they used a setup as described that would be much appreciated.

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Question re (5): Only for 2.2 snapshots or also for the normal current 2.2 release?



I do not know exactly now, but when 2.2 stable came out it worked.
I currently use 2.3.0 snapshot

Hello @isenberg

thanks a lot for your reporting. I’m desperately looking for that solution to control my io-homecontrol Somfy roller shutters and garage door.

Could you please keep us updated, if you figure out more or get it running? That would be really great!

Thanks a lot!

If you what to control Somfy blinds, then you could use RFXcom, i’m using that and i works great.

Not sure abort your garage door, but you can see if it’s on the list of supported devices.

but i’m wondering if KLF200 can control somfy, then RFXcom could perhaps control my velux roof windows?

I will certainly report if I find out more, but this won’t happen before the end of April or beginning of May.

The RFXcom binding won’t work for most here since we are looking for ways to control Somfy’s io-Homecontrol devices, not devices with their (older) RTS protocol/communication. Thus the interest in the KLF200 which promises to be compatible with io-Homecontrol.

i also have some Velux an Somfy IO Products, which aren’t integrated to my Openhab system at the moment.
I know the Tahoma, Conexxon and the KLF 200 discussions, but as a lot of other user’s i want to have an offline stearing possibility which is not limited in scenes.

At a internet search i find these “Gateways”, but i can’t read french and Google Translation wasn’t realy helpful…

The name of the system is Energeasy Connect:

For example they have a Din Rail Gateway, which is offerd by Rexel:
Basic Station:

Power Modul:
IO Modul:

or a living room variant:

the old version looks like the old Tahoma Box:

Does anyone have information or experience about these devices?
German Information would be the best…

Thanks a lot.

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That looks interesting, indeed @Hein.

It would be especially interesting whether it a) works offline without a cloud and b) can be integrated in OpenHAB.

at the official io Homecontrol Site:
the brand Overkiz can be found.
There are some descriptions in english. In the flyer for the Din Rails System they write “Online/Offline Mode”.

It seems that overkiz is the producer of the conexxon box. It’s mentioned in the pdf from the “OVERKIZ MINIBOX”.

Does nobody use these devices?

Ok, some more news, good and bad. The good new is that I now have a KLF 200 and that it worked—once. I was able to learn the Somfy roller shutters to the KLF in interface mode and could indeed control them via the Web interface. Then I tried to be smart and tried to change the password for the Web interface. Big mistake. Not only does Velux have quite strange ideas about the quality of a password (only letters and digits), but then I could not log in anymore with the new PW. Great. Well, I did a factory reset and now I am no longer able to re-learn the roller shutters. Did anyone have a similar experience?

Better news. I solved the problem with not being able to learn after the factory reset. The problem seems to have been that with the first learning cycles the Somfy roller shutter motors had memorized the io ID of the KLF 200 and then no longer responded to a new learning attempt from the KLF 200, which resulted in the messages of no new product being found that I saw. For the record and others to fix the same problem should they run into it, the solution was to reset the Somfy roller shutter motors to factory settings, the guy here explains this process very well:

Then you need to re-program each individual roller shutter again from scratch, again explained very well by the same guy:

After this process was done, I was again able to learn the roller shutter motors using the KLF 200 web interface and also record programs (which in my [English] interface are called programs, not scenes). I can thus confirm that, yes, the KLF 200 is able to learn and control Somfy io roller shutters (the latter so far with the KLF 200 local web interface). Interestingly, Velux themselves tells us on their website that, in order to control their products via an app, we should buy a Somfy TaHoma Connect box (which means for me that io products are and have to be compatible with each other, across companies):

At this point I have been able to confirm points (1) to (4) from my February 16 post, with the small constraint that for (4), one can only run pre-recorded programs/scenes, but one can record as many programs as needed and each roller shutter can be in multiple programs, so that one can have programs for individual roller shutters and programs that combine multiple roller shutters. Sorry for being so verbose, but I wish I had found a detailed description before and from other posts in this thread it seems that others are looking for the same information.

Now I am trying to integrate the bridge into my OpenHAB 2.2 installation (point (5) from the February 16 post). The straightforward approach did not quite work yet, I will keep you updated. Anyway, thanks to all who helped me along so far, it’s really nice to get such good support!


Good news, everyone, I now also figured out point (5). Because I am still on the official version 2.2, I had to use org.openhab.binding.velux-2.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar from (which I had expected and which I simply copied to OpenHAB’s openhab2-addons directory). It now turns out, however, that the documentation on the mentioned GitHub page is incorrect (w.r.t. the needed options to link to the KLF 200 and some of the syntax of the options—in many cases ALLCAPS are needed) at least for this pre-compiled 2.2.0 snapshot version. The correct configuration is as follows (the Expire binding is needed in addition; example with 2 sets of shutters as defined on the KLF 200, with an open and a close action/scene/program each).

*.things file:

Bridge velux:klf200:home   [ bridgeURL="http://192.168.x.y", bridgePassword="velux123", timeoutMsecs=4000, retries=10 ] {
    Thing   scene   RS_Shutters1_Open              [ sceneName="RS_Shutters1_Open" ]
    Thing   scene   RS_Shutters1_Close             [ sceneName="RS_Shutters1_Close" ]
    Thing   scene   RS_Shutters2_Open              [ sceneName="RS_Shutters2_Open" ]
    Thing   scene   RS_Shutters2_Close             [ sceneName="RS_Shutters2_Close" ]

*.items file:

// Velux KLF 200 bridge channels
String  VELUX_BRIDGE_STATUS     "Velux Bridge Status"                { channel="velux:klf200:home:STATUS" }
String  VELUX_BRIDGE_FIRMWARE   "Velux Bridge Firmware version"      { channel="velux:klf200:home:FIRMWARE" }
String  VELUX_BRIDGE_IPADDRESS  "Velux Bridge IP Address"            { channel="velux:klf200:home:IPADDRESS" }
String  VELUX_BRIDGE_SUBNETMASK "Velux Bridge IP Subnet Mask"        { channel="velux:klf200:home:SUBNETMASK" }
String  VELUX_BRIDGE_DEFAULTGW  "Velux Bridge Default Gateway"       { channel="velux:klf200:home:DEFAULTGW" }
Switch  VELUX_BRIDGE_DHCP       "Velux Bridge DHCP Enabled [%s]"     { channel="velux:klf200:home:DHCP" }
String  VELUX_BRIDGE_WLANSSID   "Velux Bridge SSID"                  { channel="velux:klf200:home:WLANSSID" }
String  VELUX_BRIDGE_WLANPASSWD "Velux Bridge WLAN Password"         { channel="velux:klf200:home:WLANPASSWORD" }
Switch  VELUX_BRIDGE_DO_DETECTION "Velux Bridge Detection mode [%s]" { channel="velux:klf200:home:DETECTION" }

// one group for the actual items that talk to the KLF 200
Group gSomfyActual  "Actual Velux/Somfy Action Items"
// one group for the virtual items used for control on the sitemap
Group:Number gSomfyVirtual "Virtual Velux/Somfy Action Items"

// Velux/Somfy scene channels
Switch  SomfyRS_Shutters1_Open  "Somfy Shutters1 Open"  (gSomfyActual) { channel="velux:scene:home:RS_Shutters1_Open:ACTION", expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch  SomfyRS_Shutters1_Close "Somfy Shutters1 Close" (gSomfyActual) { channel="velux:scene:home:RS_Shutters1_Close:ACTION", expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch  SomfyRS_Shutters2_Open  "Somfy Shutters2 Open"  (gSomfyActual) { channel="velux:scene:home:RS_Shutters2_Open:ACTION", expire="1s,command=OFF" }
Switch  SomfyRS_Shutters2_Close "Somfy Shutters2 Close" (gSomfyActual) { channel="velux:scene:home:RS_Shutters2_Close:ACTION", expire="1s,command=OFF" }

// Velux/Somfy scene actual controls (virtual)
Number  SomfyRS_Shutters1 "Somfy Shutters1" <rollershutter> (gSomfyVirtual) { expire="1s,command=0" }
Number  SomfyRS_Shutters2 "Somfy Shutters2" <rollershutter> (gSomfyVirtual) { expire="1s,command=0" }

*.sitemaps excerpt:

Frame label="Rollershutters" {
	Switch item=SomfyRS_Shutters1 label="Roller Shutters 1" mappings=[1="▼", 2="▲"]
	Switch item=SomfyRS_Shutters2 label="Roller Shutters 2" mappings=[1="▼", 2="▲"]
Frame label="Infos/Settings" {

*.rules file:

rule "Velux-Somfy Action"
	Item gSomfyVirtual changed
	gSomfyVirtual.members.filter( s | (s.state as DecimalType) == 2).forEach[item |
		var actionItem = gSomfyActual.members.findFirst[name.equals( + "_Open")]
	gSomfyVirtual.members.filter( s | (s.state as DecimalType) == 1).forEach[item |
		var actionItem = gSomfyActual.members.findFirst[name.equals( + "_Close")]

Of course, no guarantees, yet things seem to work now for my configuration. There may still be some situations that I need to check, such as what happens when the system start up or reboots, but I hope this helps some of you. So long story short, you can control Somfy io roller shutters from OpenHAB using the Velux KLF 200.



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