iOS app for OH3?

Cannot confirm this.
Started App on remote connection, switched on a light, enabled WiFi again, app confirmed local connection, switched same light off.
No issue.

You‘re right, no idea what went wrong before. I just tried again and it did work… I will do some more testing the next couple of days but this looks very promising :slight_smile:

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Ah then it’s normal, okay no worries.

Love that Office Blinds widget, could you please share it Pedro?

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I still receive URLSession Task when using remote, local works fine.

Credentials are fine. Updated via TestFlight

You can find the widget here and in the marketplace:

I installed the latest snapshot version but remote access is still not working for me.
Could someone pls post the settings for the app and openhab? Thanks

A restart of openHAB fixed it. MainUI is now accessible via remote.
But the iOS shortcuts are still not useable.

Guys, please let‘s solve one issue after another.

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Sorry for the delay. Here you go:

I had to add an inverted clause in it because I must have wires mine incorrectly. Up and down and such.
I haven’t yet understood how to use the presets though.

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I just created a new shortcut and it worked.

Mhh… When I create a new one, there are no items to select.
It just runs without doing anything.

If I use an existing shortcut, a timeout error appears after a moment.

I can select target item

Also tried for receiving state of an item and can select item from the list.

Please let me know if I can help you with the presets in the linked thread :slight_smile:

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This option is missing for me. No items to select

What iOS version is your device running ?
Mine are all on 15.5

I just opened the shortcut app for the first time to find out what you both are talking about. I don’t get a list of items either, nothing happens when I click „item“ in the shortcut. I’m on 15.5 as well. My device is however administrated by my employer in case that may matter… however it is not very strict usually.

Same for me. iPhone at iOS 15.5 and iPad at iPadOS 15.5.
Looks like it can‘t fetch the items.

Rest api calls like get and post via shortcuts in iOS to openhab is working.

That‘s strange, as it is working here.
I will try on a second device tomorrow.

I had a TestFlight upgrade message today and now remotely I am getting URLSession Task failed with error: the request timed out whenever I open the app Was working fine before upgrade.

Still working here…