- Platform information:
- Hardware: rpi4
- OS: openhabian/bullseye
- Java Runtime Environment: 17
- openHAB version: 4.0.3
- Issue of the topic: iOS app keeps disconnecting every few seconds with message x connecting and dismiss button
My iOS app for openhab keeps disconnecting every few seconds. Everything else is working great including myopenhab integration for bindings and remote access. In fact other than the disconnect message the iOS app seems to work with openhab just fine, actions status updates work fine.
On the iOS app my configuration right now is…
Demo mode off
Local URL = (my local instance)
Remote URL = https://home.myopenhab.org (also tried https://myopenhab.org with same result)
Username/password = my creds for myopenhab.org
Always send credentials set to Off
Any tips on getting this stable?