iOS app no auto-refresh?

Want to use an iPad as a display for overall home status (e.g. “all windows closed” or “all lights off”).

In my experimental setup I put a FritzDECT200 for switching on/off a light. Opening the openhab app on the iPad shows the right light status. Changing the light status afterwards on a second device will not lead to an update on the iPad.

Is my expectation wrong or do I need to configure something in addition?

TY for help.

OH 1 has a know issue where updates to Items are not always refreshed when they change on the server. OH 2 does not have this problem and it will not be fixed in OH 1.

TY for quick response.

Nevertheless the situation is quite unsatisfying as it means there is no solution available for quite some time.

OH 2 is in its second Beta. It almost certainly will be released this year, likely before August if I remember the announcement correctly.

Ive found if you a re mucking around with the elements too much the auto refresh stops - a quick reboot and its back to behaving itself.