IOS13: HomeKit Thermostat error

I use Openhab 2.5M3 and use the HomeKit integration to integrate 28 different openHAB items. Everything works great when I use a iPhone with IOS12.

After switching to IOS13 I have problems with an Thermostat group.
In HomeKit I can see CurrentTemperatur, TargetTemperatur and TargetHeatingCoolingMode correct. I can change the TargetHeatingCoolingMode but I am not able to change the TargetTemperatur. The icon showing the TargetTemperatur dont show the temperatur correct and when I try to change the TargetTemperatur the TargetTemperatur is changed to 0.

Picture 1 show an IOS 13 screen from a iPhone and picture 2 show an IOS 12 screen from a iPad.

reason found - ios13 expects the temperature unit (celsius, fahrenheit) to be changeable but we have them read only. i would say, pretty strange behaviour of ios13 home app.

it is not an issue of openhab homekit addon but of the underlaying library (java-hap). the fix & pull requested are created but we need to wait until it is get reviewed, approved and merged.

pull request:

Thanks for the fast solution. I look forward to a new snapshort with the fix.

The problem still exist in OpenHab 2.5M4.
A fix is merged into HAP-Java but I don’t know how to get the updated version of HAP-Java.
Please help :slight_smile:

Same here. How can I get the fixed HAP-java into OpenHab?

there is a request to upgrade HAP-java in homekit addon
pay attention to this pull request

once it gets approved it will part of the next milestone release.

Thank you for your excellent work over in hap-java!

Excellent work. Is there any way of getting this working prior to being approved and baked into a milestone release?

@AlexMartin13 if you are on OH2.4 i can make a build for you with java hap 1.2.0.

@yfre - I am on OH2.4, so that would be fantastic, although I don’t want to create extra work for you, especially if the milestone release will include this. I haven’t been paying attention to changes in the release schedule, so I’m not clear on when that’s likely to be.

@AlexMartin13 sure, here we go - openhab2.4 homekit addon with latest java hap (ios13 pairing fixes+thermostat fixes)!AqqiEfFRr6WAgYYCiET6gqfsd9L_Sw?e=Uo4wvK

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That’s awesome, thanks. I’ve updated, and it seems to work perfect after a restart. Thanks for the quick turnaround! :smile:

Can you please refresh the download link.

here is the new link!AqqiEfFRr6WAgYQ8qsC_kZS6jTCsDw?e=QjakoT

but the changes are already merged to official addon, so, it should work with OH2.5.