IPv6 support with 1.4.0-beta1 -> doesn't work with openhab V4.2.0

I updated one of my Shelly’s (2PM) due to a support case with them to the newest V1.4.0-beta1 and found out, that communication doesn’t work afterwards (I use latest stage V4.2.0 of openhab). After contacting Shelly support with this information, they said this to me:

Since 1.4.0-beta1 was enabled support for IPv6. If OpenHab doesn’t have this support on Shelly devices, it might be the reason for the disconnection.​
This is out of Shelly Support Scope. We advise reaching out to OpenHab and report the issue on their github/forum.

Who is responsible for the Shelly binding and who can I contact to forward this information?

@markus7017 maintains the shelly binding.
I would assume that IPv6 vs. IPv4 connections are done on OS level and not on binding level.