But you are trying to change the focus by shutting down and discouraging discussion on any topic that isn’t, in your opinion, what matters most.
I don’t disagree with your opinions or your ability to express them. I disagree with your insistence that in this case what the rules language is not relevant and should not be discussed in this thread.
Why is this topic focusing on the rule language?..
But I get concerned when I see a discussion about which language to use for rules, insted of focusing on creating a UI for drag and drop rules. Then the actual rule language doesnt really matter for the common user.
But I find it strange to discuss something which isn´t a main concern, when other things such as UI´s are in a desperate need of a makeup.
If the UI´s can take care of the rule process like a drag and drop, then it really doesn´t matter which language beeing used behind.
Discussion of which language to use for rules is, in my opinion, a high level discussion, which belong beside any other discussion of how to make opehab better for new/ordinary users, or discussion of whats wrong with openhab.
But question is, if this is a major concern above other things…
I´m concerned that high level discussions may drive even more potential new users away, rather than trying to welcome them at their level which, in my opinion, is highly needed.
trying to change the focus to where I believe would matter most for openhab in general.
I could be wrong
Its me trying to put the priorities into perspective.
But it can also become a signaling problem
Because they´re already advanced users. They dont struggling trying to comprehend openhab.
All of these outright state or imply that we shouldn’t be discussed in this thread. I vehemently disagree and fully expect that stuff like this would and should be a part of the “Is openHAB Dying?” discussion.
They might be making a bet that the cost of migration will be great enough that most users will just pay the money to avoid that hassle. Couple that with the fact that, as mentioned, openHAB isn’t even part of the conversation in home automation communities outside of this forum. I’ve seen a bunch of “Home Automation Comparisons” that all include HA and none of them even mention openHAB. In maybe one post out of 10 on the smarthome and homeautomation subreddits mentions openHAB as an option. This is what I mean by our community not being good at marketing. Those HA users may get fed up and want to leave but wouldn’t even know about the existence of OH because we are not part of the conversation.
I posted another thread already and will repeat it here. If you are at all active on reddit or follow the internet taste makers, please contribute and speak up in the comments. Let the wider community know that we are here, we are active, and we are a viable option.
I believe David already has one written and it’s awaiting approval for merge. One of the improvements that we should see from this big merge of ESH and change of the build system is a much easier getting started building bindings process.
w3schools is a much larger organization with far more people contributing to their tutorials. We do what we can with the people we have and that means not reproducing documentation that exists somewhere else. But don’t confuse bindings with Rules. They are totally different things.
My assumption was hass.io was akin to openHABian. Maybe I’m wrong.
Unfortunately, there are two places where this analogy fails in the OH context. First of all, there is no authority to say what the developers actually work on. So there are no army commanders to direct the engineers to start work on that. But, that also means there is no one in authority to tell that one guy working on other areas he can’t do that.
Honestly, I don’t believe they are. It takes a huge amount of time to monitor threads like these and I suspect most of the developers prefer to spend their time writing code instead. That’s why I get frustrated with “OH should do it this way or focus on this first or else I’ll quit/you won’t attract new users/the apocalypse.” By the time these sorts of comments get made in these threads, what few developers who were following the thread have long since abandoned the thread. It’s just users who are strongly expressing their opinions at each other.
Just to be clear for future readers, you can write rules in OH in JavaScript right now. And in the future, it will be one of the “default” languages instead of Rules DSL.
Write JSR223 Rules using JavaScript would be a good option. Though the JSONPATH Transform and MQTT2 binding should be adequate in most cases. But if you are comfortable in JavaScript, I is (and always has been) an option.
Probably not. Deprecating Rules DSL doesn’t mean eliminating it. It just means that it won’t be the language recommended for use any more. IMHO we cannot afford to force all current user of OH to rewite all their Rules. The developers I know working on this agree and appear to be working towards continue support. It just might mean you have to install something separate rather than support coming with the base install in OH 3.
I’ll also recommend Jerome’s recent migrating from Rule DSL to JavaScript tutorial. Migrating DSL Rules to JSR223/Javascript with a case example
I’m not arguing that @crxporter is making a bad decision, just providing clarity about some alternatives and options for future readers.
I find a solid backup and restore process and/or running a separate development instance of OH is freeing in this regard.
Don’t necessarily take Lewie’s and my responses as arguing that you are making a mistake or a bad decision. But these posts persist forever and future readers may come to a different decision based on the additional information we provide.
All OH releases are essentially “At this point in time we are aware of no major breaking bugs.” The only difference between a release and a milestone is the release gets a little more testing immediately prior to release. Based on my experience, the milestone builds are no more or less likely to contain errors than the release. And the closer the milestone is to the release the less likely it is to have problems. I would say that 2.5 M1 is exactly as reliable and usable as 2.4 Release and do not hesitate to recommend it’s use, particularly if you use MQTT or Zwave as there were bugs discovered after the 2.4 release that got fixed.
All new development takes places on the next version. Since 2.4 is released, all new development, including bug fixes, takes place on 2.5. If a major bug is discovered, it might be back ported to prior versions of OH, but I’m not aware this has ever happened.
And for OH 3, this too is being addressed, or at least talked about. There are discussions about separating the bindings from the core in a way that would let us choose which version of the bindings we want to install rather than needing to manually install or wait for a new version.