Is OpenHab Dying?

Agreed Rich, you are a mod right? you can close this thread? If so please do, I don’t think anyone would mind


Thanx Rich, for this overview. I will then stay with DSL and ui rules and see what the future brings.

It‘s very unfair to blame @5iver for the missing Jython support or the missing helper libraries. It‘s not him who prevented the merge of the respective PR, that es someone else.


That’s very unfair @rlkoshak . I didn’t follow all the discussions when Scott was trying to get this merged, but I recall @5iver pushing this quite a lot - trying to get the PR merged and development moving, and it was rejected many times. This is one of the issues with OH - many developers are pushed away from the project due to lack of interest from “management”.

I also think it’s a little unfair to talk about people like this without @mentioning them properly so they have a chance to respond!


easy boys… let’s let this one go…

Sorry - but I do think that people should have the chance to respond when they are attacked. This is an open forum - there is normally more than one view, and people should be able to present their view. I agree - everyone should play nicely, but I don’t think what I wrote was in any way inflammatory - sorry if it was interpreted that way.


Neither do I Chris, and I agree with both of you. I just think it best if we let sleeping dogs lie.

I very much understand the sentiment, and I’m not normally one to jump in to these discussions. However there are some issues with OH development - a number of key developers have been pushed out over the past 2 years or so and this is a real shame. Probably discussing it here won’t help (people have tried) so you’re probably right - just let things go… :cry:


There’s is no blame here. But the fact remains he is gone. He was the only maintainer of the Helper Libraries so no one can continue support and enhancements.

I tried to help in little ways with an intent to take one a larger rule but all of my PRs were ignored for two-three years. These included updates to docs and a three line function.

I found it ironic that he was so upset over someone doing the exact same thing to him that he was doing to us

When I finally went to finally close out those years old PRs I discovered he blocked me. He didn’t want my help. He didn’t reach out to get help from anyone else. And now he’s gone.

There was certainly some drama over the PRs but frankly both sides were being unreasonable and the users suffer.

I’m not telling about his PRs to core. I’m talking about the Helper Libraries. I’m aware he pushed very hard to get PRs accepted and he died not get a fair shake there. But my point was he didn’t do any better with his own repo. So it’s hard to feel in that much sympathy.

And I don’t blame him for leaving. But his lack of getting even one other person to be a maintainer of the Helper Libraries left us in the lurch. That’s a simple statement of fact.

I thought I had. I’ll go back and change it.

But again, I’m not blaming anything on anyone. I’m just stating the current state of rules in oh as I see it. Lots of good work lost. be Lots of good work that will forever remain in a small community of enthusiasts without any way for them to easily work together or for basic and Rules DSL users to migrate to them without needing to relearn everything.

I can’t figure out how to split the topic on my phone so it will have to wait kk until I get to a computer Sunday or Monday.


maybe this could be helpful


+1 to closing this thread and splitting the recent discussion. I shudder every time I see it pop up in the list of recent posts (I had already turned off notifications). :grimacing: