Issue in unlinking Item from Channel PLS HELP

Hi i have some zway things generating ON OFF events.
Linking them to a Lamp works. But Unlinking the channel even it return with success the Action still remain the same.

In the is empty after Unlinking.
Caches and TMP removed with restart w/o Success.

Still same wired problem. Link to channel is still active even no linking exists anymore.

Did you check on the Karaf console if the link in question is still kept?
Those runtime commands can be found here

Hi opus,

also in Karaf Con it woked a expected Link exists until it is deleted / unlinked

openhab> smarthome:links list
Licht_EG_Flur_Decke -> zway:zwayDevice:192_168_XX_XX:7:sensorBinary-ZWayVDev_zway_7-0-113-6-Door-A

After Unkinking

openhab> smarthome:links removeChannelLink Licht_EG_Flur_Decke zway:zwayDevice:192_168_35_73:7:sensorBinary-ZWayVDev_zway_7-0-113-6-Door-A
Link Licht_EG_Flur_Decke -> zway:zwayDevice:192_168_XX_XX:7:sensorBinary-ZWayVDev_zway_7-0-113-6-Door-Asuccessfully removed.

Same behavior as seen in paper UI Link is removed. Action on ZWAY Sensor still triggers the “Licht_EG_Flur_Decke”

Sounds like the Link can’t be removed online. I’m not sure if the creation of a link is possible via file (never done it nor read about it), but if yes, such would be a reason for that behaviour.

Item linking can be done by using the {channel: } in the .items file. So how did you link your item in the first place.

I’v created the Linking via Console or UI.
In previous Links in Config File (.item) the channel allocation works and deallocation also.
Only with the actual deallocation from zway devices to some KNX Item does not work.

Does anyone know where the LinkingItem are stored other then in JSON file ?