From openHAB I run this command that gives a 401 error (unauthorized)
var String token = "mytoken"
var String api=""
var String pubdate="2016-05-19"
var String pubstand="988.545"
var String body = '{"date":"' + pubdate + '","reading":"' + pubstand + '"}'
var String command = 'curl@@-s@@-w@@%{http_code}@@-k@@-H@@"Content-Type:application/json"@@-H@@"Accept:application/json"@@-H@@"AUTH-TOKEN:' + token + '"' + "@@-d@@'" + body + "'@@" + api
var String result = executeCommandLine(command, 5000)
I suspect the curl command is not formatted properly. Can anyone guide me to solve this issue?
The most common problem people face with the Exec binding and executeCommandLine is with permissions, but I don’t think that is the case here.
While the “@@” space substitution is often required with the Exec binding, I don’t think it is even supported with executeCommandLine (I could be wrong). Have you tried it without the "@@"s?
Have you tried using the --trace-ascii debugdump.txt option on curl and reviewed debugdump.txt to see what exactly curl is sending? You can compare that with the version that worked and see if what the curl from OH is sending that is different.
I have tried both without @@’ and with the --trace-ascii flag and that seems to be getting me somewhere. I apparently don’t need the @@ and the dump showed that the quotations around in inside the JSON where different from the working example:
unix command line:
=> Send data, 41 bytes (0x29)
0000: {"date":"2016-05-19","reading":"988.545"}
== Info: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes
script without @@:
=> Send data, 43 bytes (0x2b)
0000: '{"date":"2016-05-19","reading":"989.231"}'
== Info: upload completely sent off: 43 out of 43 bytes
That’s better!
Then I removed the single quotes (and @@) from the command:
var String command = 'curl@@-s@@-w@@%{http_code}@@-k@@-H@@"Content-Type:application/json"@@-H@@"Accept:application/json"@@-H@@"AUTH-TOKEN:' + token + '"' + "@@-d@@'" + body + "'@@" + api
var String command = 'curl -s -w %{http_code} -k -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept:application/json" -H "AUTH-TOKEN:' + token + '"' + " -d " + body + " " + api
Now the output in the dump file shows JSON without any quotes:
=> Send data, 33 bytes (0x21)
0000: {date:2016-05-19,reading:989.231}
== Info: upload completely sent off: 33 out of 33 bytes
Quotation hell!
Apparently I need the single quotes but I can’t get these into the command.
I tried escaping, but that delivered similar results. After trial-and-erroring some variants, it looks like I’ve found a way to do this: using @@and removing all single and double quotes in the command variable. The only quotes remaining are those in the body.
This code seems to work, I will monitor in the coming days and report back.
var String token = "mytoken"
var String api = ""
var String pubdate = "2016-05-19"
var String pubstand = "988.545"
var String body = '{"date":"' + pubdate + '","reading":"' + pubstand + '"}'
var String command = 'curl@@-s@@-w@@%{http_code}@@-k@@-H@@Content-Type:application/json@@-H@@Accept:application/json@@-H@@AUTH-TOKEN:' + token + "@@-d@@" + body + "@@" + api
var String result = executeCommandLine(command, 5000)
Can someone help to convert this code to OH3 standards? Help is appreciated.
I’m getting the following error:
An error occurred during the script execution: Could not invoke method: org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.ObjectExtensions.operator_plus(java.lang.Object,java.lang.String) on instance: null in mindergas
var String token = "xxxxxxxxxxx"
var String api = ""
var DateTime pubdate = CurrentDate.state
var Number pubstand = M3Meter_M3meterValue.state
var String body = '{"date":"' + pubdate + '","reading":"' + pubstand + '"}'
var String command = 'curl@@-s@@-w@@%{http_code}@@-k@@-H@@Content-Type:application/json@@-H@@Accept:application/json@@-H@@AUTH-TOKEN:' + token + "@@-d@@" + body + "@@" + api
var String result = executeCommandLine(command, 5000)
This seems to work for me now with OH3. Still in a rules file because I do not know how to import / use the DateTimeRormatter via the GUI.
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter// put at top of file
rule "dsmr_gas_minderGasNL"
Time cron "00 59 23 * * ?"
var String token = "AUTH-TOKEN:<TOKEN>"
var String api = ""
var String pubdate = (now().format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd"))).toString
var String pubstand = ((GasMeter_Delivery.state as QuantityType<Number>).doubleValue).toString
var String body = '{\"date\":\"' + pubdate + '\",\"reading\":' + pubstand + '}'
//logInfo("minderGasNL", api)
//logInfo("minderGasNL", token)
//logInfo("minderGasNL", pubdate)
//logInfo("minderGasNL", pubstand)
var String result = executeCommandLine(Duration.ofSeconds(10), "curl", "-v", "-H", "Content-Type:application/json", "-H", token, "-d", body, api)
//logInfo("minderGasNL", result)
Need to work on error handling but at least the readings are uploaded again.
I don’t use Rules DSL and haven’t for a couple of years, and never in the UI. I can’t think of a reason why an import would not be allowed but it appears to not be. So your options are:
instead of importing it reference the class by it’s full name now().format(java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter...