I’ve been using openhab1 for a couple years now and really love it. Recently I decided it was finally time to upgrade to openhab2 and I’m running into an issue with changing toDateMidnight() to toDateTimeAtStartOfDay()
I had the following rule in OH1 to give me some daily min/max temps:
rule "Update Nest Temperature Min- and Max values"
Item living_room_ambient_temperature_f received update
var Number Min
var Number Max
var String tmp
var SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat( "hh:mm a" )
if (living_room_ambient_temperature_f.state instanceof DecimalType) {
Min = (living_room_ambient_temperature_f.minimumSince(now.toDateMidnight, "rrd4j").state as DecimalType)
tmp = (Math::round(Min.floatValue*10.0)/10.0) + " °F (" + df.format(living_room_ambient_temperature_f.minimumSince(now.toDateMidnight, "rrd4j").timestamp) + ")"
postUpdate(living_room_ambient_temperature_f_Min, tmp)
Max = living_room_ambient_temperature_f.maximumSince(now.toDateMidnight, "rrd4j").state as DecimalType
df = new SimpleDateFormat( "hh:mm a" )
tmp = (Math::round(Max.floatValue*10.0)/10.0) + " °F (" + df.format(living_room_ambient_temperature_f.maximumSince(now.toDateMidnight, "rrd4j").timestamp) + ")"
postUpdate(living_room_ambient_temperature_f_Max, tmp)
When I moved it to OH2 I received a warning about “toDateMidnight()” being depreciated in my log. Google lead me to the following page where they say to replace it with “toDateTimeAtStartOfDay()”:
I did so, and now the rule read like this (included line numbers so you can match to the line provided by the error to come):
821 rule "Update Nest Temperature Min- and Max values"
822 when
823 Item living_room_ambient_temperature_f received update
824 then
825 var Number Min
826 var Number Max
827 var String tmp
828 var SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat( "hh:mm a" )
832 if (living_room_ambient_temperature_f.state instanceof DecimalType) {
833 Min = (living_room_ambient_temperature_f.minimumSince(now.toDateTimeAtStartOfDay, "rrd4j").state as DecimalType)
834 tmp = (Math::round(Min.floatValue*10.0)/10.0) + " °F (" + df.format(living_room_ambient_temperature_f.minimumSince(now.to
835 postUpdate(living_room_ambient_temperature_f_Min, tmp)
836 Max = living_room_ambient_temperature_f.maximumSince(now.toDateTimeAtStartOfDay, "rrd4j").state as DecimalType
837 df = new SimpleDateFormat( "hh:mm a" )
838 tmp = (Math::round(Max.floatValue*10.0)/10.0) + " °F (" + df.format(living_room_ambient_temperature_f.maximumSince(now.to
839 postUpdate(living_room_ambient_temperature_f_Max, tmp)
840 }
841 end
However I now get the following error in my openhab.log:
2018-01-04 18:38:54.307 [ERROR] [ntime.internal.engine.RuleEngineImpl] - Rule 'Update Nest Temperature Min- and Max values': 'toDateTimeAtStartOfDay' is not a member of 'org.joda.time.DateTime'; line 833, column 67, length 26
Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?