Issue with websocket connection to tibber API after new year

Hi all, can someone please help. Im not connected to my Tibber Pulse any more. log show this:

20:46:46.015 [DEBUG] [tibber.internal.handler.TibberHandler] - API response: {“data”:{“viewer”:{“home”:{“currentSubscription”:{“priceInfo”:{“current”:{“total”:1.4383,“startsAt”:“2023-01-08T20:00:00.000+01:00”,“level”:“NORMAL”}}},“daily”:{“nodes”:[{“from”:“2023-01-07T00:00:00.000+01:00”,“to”:“2023-01-08T00:00:00.000+01:00”,“cost”:84.004997,“unitPrice”:1.252871,“consumption”:67.05,“consumptionUnit”:“kWh”}]},“hourly”:{“nodes”:[{“from”:“2023-01-08T19:00:00.000+01:00”,“to”:“2023-01-08T20:00:00.000+01:00”,“cost”:2.913166125,“unitPrice”:1.5094125,“consumption”:1.93,“consumptionUnit”:“kWh”}]}}}}}
20:46:46.063 [DEBUG] [tibber.internal.handler.TibberHandler] - Attempting to reopen Websocket connection
20:46:46.077 [DEBUG] [tibber.internal.handler.TibberHandler] - Starting Websocket connection
20:46:46.204 [WARN ] [tty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory.config] - Trusting all certificates configured for Client@390d6c65[provider=null,keyStore=null,trustStore=null]
20:46:46.212 [WARN ] [tty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory.config] - No Client EndPointIdentificationAlgorithm configured for Client@390d6c65[provider=null,keyStore=null,trustStore=null]
20:46:46.215 [DEBUG] [tibber.internal.handler.TibberHandler] - Connecting Websocket connection
20:46:46.490 [DEBUG] [tibber.internal.handler.TibberHandler] - Error during websocket communication: Failed to upgrade to websocket: Unexpected HTTP Response Status Code: 404 Not Found
20:46:56.258 [WARN ] [tibber.internal.handler.TibberHandler] - Unable to establish websocket session - Reattempting connection on next refresh

I get this block of log over and over every 1 minute.

Before new year I got an email from Tibber:

Hi Cato,
We noticed you are connecting to with a client that advertises user agent Jetty/9.4.46.v20220331 and uses old deprecated websocket sub-protocol. We are removing support for it in December 2022. See information at Tibber Developer.
Please upgrade your client or contact the client maintainer in order to continue using the service. If you need assistance you can contact us at for help.

Sure enough, after new year, the websocket connection fails and my items does not get updated.
I have tried reinstalling binding and Tibber Thing.

Anyone have an idea for what I can do to fix or circumvent this?
Thank you

The nice people at Tibber gave us a heads-up - see:

So the good news is that this was fixed in 3.4.

Thank you and sorry for the late reply.

I have upgraded to 3.4.1, reinstalled binding and Tibber thing. Same issue:

21:22:04.787 [DEBUG] [tibber.internal.handler.TibberHandler] - API response: {“data”:{“viewer”:{“home”:{“currentSubscription”:{“priceInfo”:{“current”:{“total”:1.3232,“startsAt”:“2023-01-12T21:00:00.000+01:00”,“level”:“NORMAL”}}},“daily”:{“nodes”:[{“from”:“2023-01-11T00:00:00.000+01:00”,“to”:“2023-01-12T00:00:00.000+01:00”,“cost”:83.168030875,“unitPrice”:1.009688,“consumption”:82.37,“consumptionUnit”:“kWh”}]},“hourly”:{“nodes”:[{“from”:“2023-01-12T20:00:00.000+01:00”,“to”:“2023-01-12T21:00:00.000+01:00”,“cost”:null,“unitPrice”:1.3848625,“consumption”:null,“consumptionUnit”:“kWh”}]}}}}}

21:22:04.806 [DEBUG] [tibber.internal.handler.TibberHandler] - Attempting to reopen Websocket connection
21:22:04.814 [DEBUG] [tibber.internal.handler.TibberHandler] - Starting Websocket connection
21:22:04.840 [WARN ] [tty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory.config] - Trusting all certificates configured for Client@6feb7cd3[provider=null,keyStore=null,trustStore=null]
21:22:04.841 [WARN ] [tty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory.config] - No Client EndPointIdentificationAlgorithm configured for Client@6feb7cd3[provider=null,keyStore=null,trustStore=null]
21:22:04.843 [DEBUG] [tibber.internal.handler.TibberHandler] - Connecting Websocket connection
21:22:05.075 [DEBUG] [tibber.internal.handler.TibberHandler] - Error during websocket communication: Failed to upgrade to websocket: Unexpected HTTP Response Status Code: 404 Not Found

Any idea what I can do?

fyi, i had a snapshot JAR of 3.4 Tibber binding. Just had to remove it to use the actual binding and everything is now working. Thank you

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