I’m running openhab 2.2 inside a docker on an unraid machine with more than enough power (ryzen 7 1700X, 16 GB RAM, etc) and I’ve mostly been ok, but had a few issues recently popping up.
My basic UI still works, but on mobile I just started getting a message along the bottom of the screen “Offline: waiting for connection to become available” I haven’t been able to nail down the cause of this. I was getting some errors in the log from a milight binding (which still works), however removing this binding didn’t fix the issue.
Since this error started all the openhab phone apps I have tried display the sitemap, but don’t actually work to switch anything. The switch appears to work in the app, but doesn’t control the device, and when the app refreshes the state goes back.
Sitemap posted below:
sitemap default label="Custom Home Layout"
Frame label="Lounge" icon="light" {
Switch item=harmonyhub_device_LoungeRoom_39200728_buttonPress label="Air Conditioning" icon="climate" mappings=["25 Degrees"="On","Off"="Off"]
Selection item=harmonyhub_hub_LoungeRoom_currentActivity label="Harmony" icon="player" mappings=["Use Shield"="Use Shield","Play PS4"="Play PS4", "Power Off"="Power Off"]
Switch item=SS_Lounge_Shelf_Lights label="Shelf Lights"
Switch item=milight_rgbwwLed_ed6eeb88_2_ledbrightness label="Aquarium"
Slider item=ML_Aquarium_Dimmer label="Aquarium Brightness"
Colorpicker item=ML_Aquarium_Color label="Aquarium Colour"
Frame label="Bedroom" icon="bedroom" {
Switch item=harmonyhub_device_Bedroom_52279315_buttonPress label="Air Conditioning" icon="flow" mappings=["25 Degrees"="On","Off"="Off"]
Selection item=harmonyhub_hub_Bedroom_currentActivity label="Harmony" icon="player" mappings=["Use Plex"="Use Plex","Play PS4"="Play PS4", "Power Off"="Power Off"]
Switch item=SS_Bedroom_Lamp label="Lamp" icon="light"