ITEAD Sonoff switches and sockets - cheap ESP8266 Wifi+MQTT hardware

I am newbie to almost everything, forgive me if I really asking something stupid,
I final flash to sonoff, and able to read MQTT from mossiquitto, also by command to to remote on/off,
now the problem is how to integrate to openHab, I have installed MQTT binding (loolks no gui to setup), In MQTT-Binding and some other Guide all mention openhab.cfg, problem is I don’t found it, is these the difference way on openhab to openhabian?

Please any expert may spend little time on me and let me know how to get it works?

openhab.cfg is the binding configuration file from openHAB1, which is splitted into individual binding config files in openHAB2. You will find more information about that in the docs:

For MQTT: the config you have found for the MQTT part in openhab.cfg has to be transferred into mqtt.cfg (you have to create that file manually) and the prefix mqtt: has to be removed (as explained in the docs mentioned above).




assuming the broker you have setup is named mosquitto.
Be aware that because of [quote=“hamwong, post:48, topic:15024”]
I am newbie to almost everything
the MQTT binding is not the easiest to set up :slight_smile:


Install mqtt-action as well.

This is what my sonoff item looks like, I’m running arendst firmware.

Group   SonoffBedLight                  "Bedroom Night Stand"                                     (Sonoff)
Switch  SonoffBedLightSwitch            "Bedroom Night Stand" <light> (SonoffBedLight,HouseLight) { mqtt=">[mosquitto:cmnd/s20_1/power:command:ON:on],>[mosquitto:cmnd/s20_1/power:command:OFF:off],<[mosquitto:stat/s20_1/POWER:state:state:MAP(]" }

And onoff-map in transform:


Regards, S

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Hey Seaside!
Are you on an older version of arendst’s firmware? The Transformation shouldn’t be needed anymore

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That’s what this issue is for, would you like to take it on? 1.x Bindings note · Issue #190 · openhab/openhab-docs · GitHub

Do I have a choice now? :grinning:
Just kidding, sure, I will try my best, next spare time on my side is this weekend, stay tuned.

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thanks for helping me by sihui and seaside, so appreciate especially I see there is answer when I just wake up :joy:

so many thing to dig on openhab as I just found Karaf Console when I click into the page you refer, and found why some Guide have console command start with “openhab>”:joy: now I get it.

I got a stupid question, is it openhabian is totally same as openhab, all the file location and config storage is same as openhab standalone install pack? as I always get confused when I found Guide/demo on google, their store location can’t found in mine, I need to clarify due to OH version issue or due to openhabian

pls spare with my bad english :stuck_out_tongue:

I get sonoff works on “things” now, I able to get it show in Homekit and control (just not getting status, don’t know why yet), I want to know does MQTT items need to create “Things” like “Wemo Siwtch” first? or set it up in sitemap?
currently I still not able to get control under OH2, only through homekit. to OH2 itmes and get linked

Nice! Will change my config and remove the map.
Regards s

No, MQTT is a 1.x Binding. Only 2.x Bindings create things and channels.
For configuration of the MQTT binding strictly follow:

Yes, there is no difference between an openHAB2 version in openHABian and an openHAB2 version installed through apt-get or manually.
openHABian has in addition to that a lot of features and config options available if you are not familiar with setting up a Linux based operating system together with openHAB2 on a Raspberry Pi platform.

I get sonoff works, with status on homekit although I don’t know how I actually make it work.
Thanks for all the support, really helps and save me lot of time.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 96 hours unless flagged)

PR #247 created

Is mqtt the only way to communicate with a sonoff device in openhab or is there another firmware where i don´t need mqtt? Maybe controll with http-binding?

arendst firmware works flawlessly with MQTT binding
Please feel free to share your problems :wink:

There probably is but MQTT is really the best option to consider here. MQTT is an amazing piece in the IoT puzzle. Are you afraid to add yet another component to your home automation system?

Yes, there is again one more binding/server which i have to install, learn, maintain…

Thought as much. Had the same thought myself back then.
Are you by any chance running openHABian? There is an option for that :slight_smile:

No, i´m running openhab on debian in a virtual machine on a xeon server.

Installing mosquitto is dead-easy. there are also docker containers if you prefer that.