- Platform information:
- Hardware:Orangepi 3 LTS
- OS: Armbian 5.15
- InfluxDB
- openHAB version: 3.4.4
I use the code developed by @masipila to control my heat pump to follow spot electricity price. I also use the script to update points in InfluxDV to control my dishwasher to start at night at the cheapest hour.
The logic goes as follows:
The script fetches the electricity spot price for tomorrow
- Prices for tomorrow are stored in InfluxDB hour by hour
- The code finds the cheapest consecutive 3 hours from the forecast
- These hours are marked in a separate InfluxDB registry as 1, the other hours are marked 0
- Every hour a script reads the current hour status, 1 or 0, from influxdb and updates a number item, dishwasherControl accordingly
- If the item status changes from 0 to 1 the dishwasher should start
This is the script that writes data to influxdb:
dh = require('test/date-helper.js');
wh = require('test/waterheater.js');
influx = require('test/influx.js');
start = dh.getMidnight('start');
stop = dh.getMidnight('stop');
// Determine cheap hours for dishwasher and washer and write control values to the database
hours = 2;
points = wh.determineHours(start, stop, hours);
influx.writePoints('dishwasher_control', points);
// Determine cheap hours for washer and write control values to the database
hours = 2;
points = wh.determineHours(start, stop, hours);
influx.writePoints('washer_control', points);
This script reads influxdb every hour and updates the dishwasherControl an washerControl items:
dh = require('sienitie18/date-helper.js');
influx = require('sienitie18/influx.js');
nyt = dh.getCurrentHour();
// update dishwasher control item
tiskikoneenOhjaus = influx.getCurrentControl('dishwasher_control',nyt);
console.log("Tiskikoneen ohjaus: " + tiskikoneenOhjaus);
// update washer control item
pesukoneenOhjaus = influx.getCurrentControl('washer_control',nyt);
console.log("Pesukoneen ohjaus: " + pesukoneenOhjaus);
I have a rule that is triggered when item dishwasherControl changes to 1:
configuration: {}
- id: "3"
itemName: dishwasherControl
state: "1"
type: core.ItemStateChangeTrigger
- inputs: {}
id: "6"
itemName: Siemens_Astianpesukone_012020388740013427_Operation_State
state: Run
operator: "!="
type: core.ItemStateCondition
- inputs: {}
id: "4"
itemName: Siemens_Astianpesukone_012020388740013427_Virta
command: ON
type: core.ItemCommandAction
- inputs: {}
id: "2"
itemName: Siemens_Astianpesukone_012020388740013427_Selected_Program
command: Dishcare.Dishwasher.Program.Auto2
type: core.ItemCommandAction
- inputs: {}
id: "5"
itemName: Siemens_Astianpesukone_012020388740013427_Program_Actions
command: start
type: core.ItemCommandAction
- inputs: {}
id: "1"
itemName: Siemens_Astianpesukone_012020388740013427_Program_Actions
command: start
type: core.ItemCommandAction
The problem
If I change the item dishwasherControl status manually by running the following single line script, the dishwasher starts
However, if dishwasherControl is updated by the script above the script is not triggered. Analysis of dishwasherControl shows, that the item value has been updated at 4 AM last night:
Dishwasher did not start.
How come updating item dishwasherControl manually triggers the rule but automatic udates do not?