'Item' entry in UI gone with manual setup?

Deployed newest dockerized openhab version and configured everything via config files.
A minimal setup with

  • Paper UI,habpanel, rest docs

  • MQTT Thing with 2 Sonoff Things each with 6 channels

I can go into openhab ui and see the things with the channels not selected. If i click on the channel which seems to activate them they show up under the control slide. From there i can switch on and off the light.

I don’t have any access to the items entry which used to be below the Things entry in the menu. It’s gone.
I can add an item, see it with the rest docs but also this does not make the Item entry visible.
In Habpanel i do see the item but it does not work.

Any idea why
a) the items don’t show up?
b) the link does not work?


 The installation package of this openHAB instance
# Note: This is only regarded at the VERY FIRST START of openHAB
# Note: If you want to specify your add-ons yourself through entries below, set the package to "minimal"
# as otherwise your definition might be in conflict with what the installation package defines.
# Optional. If not set, the dashboard (https://<yourserver>:8080/) will ask you to choose a package.
# Valid options:
#   - minimal  : Installation only with dashboard, but no UIs or other add-ons. Use this for custom setups.
#   - simple   : Setup for using openHAB purely through UIs - you need to expect MANY constraints in functionality!
#   - standard : Default setup for normal users, best for textual setup
#   - expert   : Setup for expert users, especially for people migrating from openHAB 1.x
#   - demo     : A demo setup which includes UIs, a few bindings, config files etc.
# See https://www.openhab.org/docs/configuration/packages.html for a detailed explanation of these packages.
package = minimal

# Access Remote Add-on Repository
# Defines whether the remote openHAB add-on repository should be used for browsing and installing add-ons.
# This not only makes latest snapshots of add-ons available, it is also required for the installation of
# any legacy 1.x add-on. (default is true)
#remote = true

# Include legacy 1.x bindings. If set to true, it also allows the installation of 1.x bindings for which there is 
# already a 2.x version available (requires remote repo access, see above). (default is false)
#legacy = true

# A comma-separated list of bindings to install (e.g. "binding = sonos,knx,zwave")
binding = mqtt 

# A comma-separated list of UIs to install (e.g. "ui = basic,paper")
ui = paper,habpanel,restdocs 

# A comma-separated list of persistence services to install (e.g. "persistence = rrd4j,jpa")
#persistence = 

# A comma-separated list of actions to install (e.g. "action = mail,pushover")
#action = 

# A comma-separated list of transformation services to install (e.g. "transformation = map,jsonpath")
transformation = jsonpath 

# A comma-separated list of voice services to install (e.g. "voice = marytts,freetts")
#voice = 

# A comma-separated list of miscellaneous services to install (e.g. "misc = myopenhab")
#misc = 


Bridge mqtt:broker:MQTTBroker "MQTTBroker" [ host="mosquitto", secure=false,username="user",password="password",clientID="MQTTOpenHabID" ]
   Thing topic Sonoff1 "Sonoff 1"  @ "mytestlocation" {
                Type switch : switch  "Power"   [ stateTopic="LivingRoom/sonoff1/stat/POWER", commandTopic="LivingRoom/sonoff1/cmnd/POWER" ]
                Type string : lwt     "LWT"     [stateTopic="LivingRoom/sonoff1/tele/LWT"]
                Type number : uptime  "UPTIME"  [stateTopic="LivingRoom/sonoff1/tele/STATE",transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Uptime"]
                Type number : rssi    "RSSI"    [stateTopic="LivingRoom/sonoff1/tele/STATE",transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Wifi.RSSI"]
                Type number : vcc     "VCC"     [stateTopic="LivingRoom/sonoff1/tele/STATE",transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Vcc"]
                Type string : version "VERSION" [stateTopic="LivingRoom/sonoff1/tele/INFO1",transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Version"]
                Type string : ip      "IP"	[stateTopic="LivingRoom/sonoff1/tele/INFO2",transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.IPAddress"]
                Type string : WebServerMode	 "WebServerMode"      [stateTopic="LivingRoom/sonoff1/tele/INFO2",transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.WebServerMode"]
                Type string : RestartReason "RestartReason" [stateTopic="LivingRoom/sonoff1/tele/INFO3",transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.RestartReason"]


    Thing mqtt:topic:Sonoff2 "Sonoff 2" @ "mytestlocation" {
                Type switch : switch  "Power"   [ stateTopic="LivingRoom/sonoff2/stat/POWER", commandTopic="LivingRoom/sonoff2/cmnd/POWER" ]
                Type string : lwt     "LWT"     [stateTopic="LivingRoom/sonoff2/tele/LWT"]
                Type number : uptime  "UPTIME"  [stateTopic="LivingRoom/sonoff2/tele/STATE",transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Uptime"]
                Type number : rssi    "RSSI"    [stateTopic="LivingRoom/sonoff2/tele/STATE",transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Wifi.RSSI"]
                Type number : vcc     "VCC"     [stateTopic="LivingRoom/sonoff2/tele/STATE",transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Vcc"]
                Type string : version "VERSION" [stateTopic="LivingRoom/sonoff2/tele/INFO1",transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Version"]
                Type string : ip      "IP"	[stateTopic="LivingRoom/sonoff2/tele/INFO2",transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.IPAddress"]
                Type string : WebServerMode	 "WebServerMode"      [stateTopic="LivingRoom/sonoff2/tele/INFO2",transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.WebServerMode"]
                Type string : RestartReason "RestartReason" [stateTopic="LivingRoom/sonoff2/tele/INFO3",transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.RestartReason"]



Switch SonOff1_Power      "Ecklampe" {autoupdate="false",alexa="Switchable", channel="mqtt:topic:MQTTBrokerSonoff1:switch" }

If you are using an older configuration try this
Shut down OpenHAB. Remove the files and folders from the cache and p directories in userdata.
The next restart of OpenHAB will take longer. This solved my issue when addons did not work in PaperUI.

Thx for your help. I think I use bleeding edge version 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT Build #1663 .

I had the issue when I upgraded from 2.5M1 to 2.5M2.

I moved back two version 2.5M1 to have better control…
but still the same

as update… i got something working …
In things config"… Thing topic Sonoff1 “Sonoff 1” name needs to match state topic…sonoff1
changed it to "…Thing topic sonoff1 “Son…”

also in myItems.items the channel was wrong i missed a column

still no items shown in the GUI…weird.

It looks like your Mqttbroker.things is not valid:
The second sonoff has a different syntax:

    Thing mqtt:topic:Sonoff2 "Sonoff 2" @ "mytestlocation" {

This should be:

    Thing topic Sonoff2 "Sonoff 2" @ "mytestlocation" {

The item code should be:

Switch SonOff1_Power      "Ecklampe" {autoupdate="false",alexa="Switchable", channel="mqtt:topic:MQTTBroker:Sonoff1:switch" }

The topic name in the channel after “mqtt:topic:MQTTBroker:” should match the topic name you defined in your .things file

I’m not sure if you can use “switch” as a valid channel name because it’s a reserved word for types.

 Type switch : switch  "Power"   [ stateTopic="LivingRoom/sonoff1/stat/POWER", commandTopic="LivingRoom/sonoff1/cmnd/POWER" ]

Maybe you should change this to “power” or something.

What do the log files say?
Is the thing and item created?

Corrected all what was suggested but no item menu.


2019-08-24 12:04:42.808 [INFO ] [panel.internal.HABPanelDashboardTile] - Started HABPanel at /habpanel
2019-08-24 12:04:42.909 [ERROR] [org.eclipse.smarthome.core          ] - bundle org.eclipse.smarthome.core:0.11.0.oh250M1 (102)[org.eclipse.smarthome.core.internal.scheduler.PeriodicSchedulerImpl(78)] : 
doFindMethod: Suitable but non-accessible method found in class org.eclipse.smarthome.core.internal.scheduler.PeriodicSchedulerImpl
2019-08-24 12:04:42.919 [ERROR] [org.eclipse.smarthome.core          ] - bundle org.eclipse.smarthome.core:0.11.0.oh250M1 (102)[org.eclipse.smarthome.core.internal.scheduler.PeriodicSchedulerImpl(78)] : 
findMethod: Suitable but non-accessible method setScheduler found in class org.eclipse.smarthome.core.internal.scheduler.PeriodicSchedulerImpl, subclass of org.eclipse.smarthome.core.internal.scheduler.P
2019-08-24 12:04:42.924 [ERROR] [org.eclipse.smarthome.core          ] - bundle org.eclipse.smarthome.core:0.11.0.oh250M1 (102)[org.eclipse.smarthome.core.internal.scheduler.PeriodicSchedulerImpl(78)] : 
bind method [setScheduler] not found; Component will fail
2019-08-24 12:04:42.924 [ERROR] [org.eclipse.smarthome.core          ] - bundle org.eclipse.smarthome.core:0.11.0.oh250M1 (102)[org.eclipse.smarthome.core.internal.scheduler.PeriodicSchedulerImpl(78)] : 
bind method [setScheduler] not found
2019-08-24 12:04:42.925 [ERROR] [org.eclipse.smarthome.core          ] - bundle org.eclipse.smarthome.core:0.11.0.oh250M1 (102)[org.eclipse.smarthome.core.internal.scheduler.PeriodicSchedulerImpl(78)] : 
doFindMethod: Suitable but non-accessible method found in class org.eclipse.smarthome.core.internal.scheduler.PeriodicSchedulerImpl
2019-08-24 12:04:42.926 [ERROR] [org.eclipse.smarthome.core          ] - bundle org.eclipse.smarthome.core:0.11.0.oh250M1 (102)[org.eclipse.smarthome.core.internal.scheduler.PeriodicSchedulerImpl(78)] : 
findMethod: Suitable but non-accessible method unsetScheduler found in class org.eclipse.smarthome.core.internal.scheduler.PeriodicSchedulerImpl, subclass of org.eclipse.smarthome.core.internal.scheduler
2019-08-24 12:04:42.931 [ERROR] [org.eclipse.smarthome.core          ] - bundle org.eclipse.smarthome.core:0.11.0.oh250M1 (102)[org.eclipse.smarthome.core.internal.scheduler.PeriodicSchedulerImpl(78)] : 
unbind method [unsetScheduler] not found; Component will fail
2019-08-24 12:04:42.931 [ERROR] [org.eclipse.smarthome.core          ] - bundle org.eclipse.smarthome.core:0.11.0.oh250M1 (102)[org.eclipse.smarthome.core.internal.scheduler.PeriodicSchedulerImpl(78)] : 
unbind method [unsetScheduler] not found
2019-08-24 12:04:44.455 [INFO ] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Connected to the openHAB Cloud service (UUID = 072d3ada-xxxxxxxx-a905-fceb2148c9aa, base URL = http://localhost:8080)
2019-08-24 12:04:47.484 [INFO ] [el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Loading model 'myItems.items'
2019-08-24 12:04:47.570 [INFO ] [arthome.ui.paper.internal.PaperUIApp] - Started Paper UI at /paperui
2019-08-24 12:04:47.663 [INFO ] [.dashboard.internal.DashboardService] - Started Dashboard at
2019-08-24 12:04:47.663 [INFO ] [.dashboard.internal.DashboardService] - Started Dashboard at
2019-08-24 12:04:47.875 [INFO ] [el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Loading model 'mqttbroker.things'
2019-08-24 12:04:48.127 [INFO ] [.transport.mqtt.MqttBrokerConnection] - Starting MQTT broker connection to 'mosquitto' with clientid MQTTOpenHabID and file store '/openhab/userdata/mqtt/mosquitto'
2019-08-24 12:04:48.646 [ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing 'openhab-ui-restdocs'
2019-08-24 12:04:48.944 [INFO ] [thome.model.lsp.internal.ModelServer] - Started Language Server Protocol (LSP) service on port 5007
2019-08-24 12:05:43.619 [ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing 'openhab-ui-restdocs'
2019-08-24 12:06:43.321 [ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing 'openhab-ui-restdocs'
2019-08-24 12:07:43.313 [ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing 'openhab-ui-restdocs'
2019-08-24 12:08:43.302 [ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing 'openhab-ui-restdocs'

I only have the scheduler bug and can’t install restdocs