I noticed that a Number:ElectricCurrent item is not being updated on every iteration of a rule.
This was happening where the item was being written to on several occasions inside the rule. If I modify the logic so that the item is only written to once inside the rule there isn’t an issue but requires using additional items and is a work around. I am not sure when this issue started. Upgraded to OH 4.2.3 on a Raspberry Pi 4 but still have the same issue.
The setpoint below will not always update to 32A even though the logInfo appears in the log. Will update for a couple of iterations and then not update on the next. Any ideas?
KebaCurrentSetpoint.sendCommand((SonnenGridCurrent.state as Number * -1) + KebaI.state as Number
if (KebaHyundai.state == ON){
if (KebaCurrentSetpoint.state > 32.0 | A){
KebaCurrentSetpoint.sendCommand(32.0 | A)
logInfo(“Keba”, “Setpoint to 32 A”)