Item Ontology for voice-applications (Alexa, Habot, GoogleHome...)

After the very inspiring SmartHome-Day in Ludwigsburg yesterday, especialy the habot-presentation of @ysc I started to refresh my groups and items.
I never knew about the semantic tag library and try to understand it’s use:

Now my Items are starting with these groups:

Group Forstbachweg		"Haus Forstbachweg"		<house>									["location:Home"]

Group Innen				"Innen"					<house>				(Forstbachweg)		["location:Inside"]		 	{ habot="im Haus" [ useCategory=false ] }
Group Aussen			"Außen"					<garden>			(Forstbachweg)		["location:Outside"]	 	{ habot="draußen" [ useCategory=false ] }

Group OG				"Obergeschoss"			<firstfloor>		(Innen)
Group EG				"Erdgeschoss"			<groundfloor>		(Innen)
Group UG				"Untergeschoss"			<cellar>			(Innen)

Group EG_Wohnzimmer		"Wohnzimmer"			<sofa>				(EG)				["location:LivingRoom"] 	
Group EG_Bibliothek		"Bibliothek"			<group>				(EG_Wohnzimmer)								 	{ habot="Bibliothek, Klavierzimmer, Klavier" [ useCategory=false ] }
Group EG_Kueche			"Küche"					<kitchen>			(EG)
Group EG_GaesteWC		"Gäste-WC"				<toilet>			(EG)				["location:Toilet"] 		{ habot="Gästeklo" }
Group EG_Kammer			"Kammer"				<pantry>			(EG)											{ habot="Vorratskammer, Abstellkammer" [ type="location" ] }
Group EG_Flur			"Flur"					<corridor>			(EG)
Group EG_Windfang		"Windfang"				<wardrobe>			(EG_Flur)										{ habot="Eingang, Garderobe" [ type="location" ] }

Group OG_Bad			"Badezimmer"			<bath>				(OG)
Group OG_Schlafzimmer	"Schlafzimmer"			<bedroom>			(OG) 											{ habot="Elternschlafzimmer" [ type="location" ] }
Group OG_Sarah			"Sarah Zimmer"			<girl_1>			(OG) 											{ habot="Sarahs Zimmer, Zimmer Sarah" [ type="location" ] }
Group OG_Malou			"Malou Zimmer"			<girl_2>			(OG) 											{ habot="Malous Zimmer, Zimmer Malou" [ type="location" ] }
Group OG_Arbeitszimmer	"Arbeitszimmer"			<office>			(OG)											{ habot="Büro" [ type="location" ] }
Group OG_Flur			"Flur"					<corridor>			(OG)

Group UG_Bad			"Gästebad"				<bath>				(UG)
Group UG_Schlafzimmer	"Spielekeller"			<smiley>			(UG) 											{ habot="Gästezimmer" [ type="location" ] [ useCategory=false ] }
Group UG_Lagerkeller	"Lagerraum"				<niveau>			(UG) 											{ habot="Lager, Lagerkeller" [ type="location" ] [ useCategory=false ] }
Group UG_Waschkeller	"Waschkeller"			<washingmachine>	(UG) 											{ habot="Heizungskeller, Waschküche" [ type="location" ] [ useCategory=false ] }
Group UG_Flur			"Flur"					<corridor>			(UG)

To avoid mistakes, I need your advice for a few details:

  1. Is this a valid use of brackets - the combination of type and useCategory? { habot=“Lager, Lagerkeller” [ type=“location” ] [ useCategory=false ] }
  2. Groups without lowercases were displayed in white in the editor. Is this a problem?
  3. When is it recommended to us the location-tag and when it’s unneccessary?

    Would [“location:Kitchen”] redundant or good practice?
  4. I’m missing some roomnames in the semantic list (childroom, musicroom, guestroom…). Can I add these by myself or should I define a childRoom as bedroom, too?
  5. I want to group the shutters by direction to controll all south-jalousies together. Is there an existing semantic construct I can use?
  6. Can the habot="" scope be opened to work with all kinds of voice-devices (Alexa, GoogleHome) - or do I have to define synonyms in multiple ways?


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@mashborn I’m sorry - the README on HABot’s repository is out of date :pensive: the ESH semantics support was added at the last minute and I didn’t have time to update it. I’m in holidays now but will try to correct it ASAP! In a nutshell, the prefixes like location: are to be removed, the category is not considered anymore and the group inheritance principle has been abandoned too except for locations.

In the meantime you should install the demo package on a brand new instance to check how it’s done - the items/tags are correctly set up.

I’ll answer your other questions when I’m back at my computer.


sounds interresting, could you tell us more about what you learned at SmartHome-Day in Ludwigsburg?
I’m new to openhab, so would like to do it right from the beginning.

Thank you