Items lost in Home App after update updating from 2.5.6 to 2.5.9

Hi, I just updated my OH 2.5.6 to 2.5.9. After that, all my items lost in the Apple Home App. I had to search again for the Openhab bridge and create the items and assign rules again. Very annoying, because I have 30+ items. Moreover I have to assign the correct room description from “standard room” to the specific one. Is there anything recommend, which can prevent this? Here is an example of an item:
Switch TV_Schlafzimmer “TV Schlafzimmer” (ogSchlafzimmer) [ “Switchable” ] {mqtt=">[ mosquitto:cmnd/sonoff-std6/power:command:ON:1],>[mosquitto:cmnd/sonoff-std6/power:command:OFF:0]" }
Thank You! Jesco

Hi Jesco

it should not be necessary.
homekit reset/removes all accessories only if openhab has returned an empty list of accessories, e.g. it could happen if there is syntax error in the .items configuration file or homekit binding started before all items were loaded from configs.
to avoid it, we have added in the recent versions additional delay on homekit binding start up (30 seconds).
how exactly you did upgrade?

Hi Eugen, I updated the whole system with apt-get upgrade. Were there any changes regarding the syntax between 2.5.6 and 2.5.9? Thanks Jesco