Items not updating after Rule


i am running Openhabian on a RaspberrPi 4 connected to a Arduino mega monitoring multiple sensors.
Previously everything was working, now the values of all items that are connected to the Arduino are not updated and none are stored and therefore not visible in Analyze.

All Sesor data is being imported in a String. This is still updating. Than a with a rule a script is sending the Data to the individual items. My guess is that part isn’t working.
The script is executed everytime the Arduino string is updated.

from org.slf4j import LoggerFactory
#Daten vom Item Empfangen
#LoggerFactory.getLogger("org.openhab.core.automation.examples").info("Hello world!")
# in string umwandeln
konst=0.489 #5/1023*100
konst2=0.00489 #5/1023
# an item schicken



this is the script but only for one item.

the issue occurred after multiple reboots and some Hardware switches which all where undone.
the only error message I found was when checking this comes whe checking systemctl status openhab :

May 26 17:48:58 openhabian karaf[5356]: RXTX Warning:  Removing stale lock file. /var/lock/LCK..ttyAMA0
May 26 17:48:58 openhabian karaf[5356]: nativeSetEventFlag !index
May 26 17:48:58 openhabian karaf[5356]: RXTX Warning:  Removing stale lock file. /var/lock/LCK..ttyACM0

Thank you for anything

in the openhab frontail Log viewer i see:

[org.eclipse.jetty.util.Scanner      ]  - scanned [/var/lib/openhab/etc]: null

which is followed by:

[core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Some .kar files are not installed yet. Delaying add-on installation by 15s.

which seems really weird and isn’t resolved.

ok I found a typo in my rule where I used “,” instead of “.”
thats it.