Items there and not there for use in GUI elements

In OH4 (opebhabian, current version) I observe a strange behaviour of newly created items. I create one or more items (adding an equipment from a thing) in the Main UI GUI. I can see these items in the list of items, I can klick on them and edit them. I see values, can get a trend line for the item and see changes to the value in the log and e.g. switches can be switched in the item page. But when I try to add a GUI element for this item in Main UI I cannot find this item in the list of items, when editing the properties of e.g. a label cell to select the item to display its state or show its trend line in the cell. If I add the name of the item manually through the code tab, it is not working on the GUI.

I can even restart OH or the whole Raspberry completely and nothing changes. The item is still in the full list of items, … but it is not in the list of items to choose from within the properties of a GUI element. Several hours later (normally on the next day) the item is suddenly available in the properties of GUI elements an works well.

I observed this behaviour at least on items belonging to homematic devices and manuel created/virtual items to display values/status/controll rules/scripts.

Any ideas?

This is a well-known issue with browser caching. You are likely using firefox to access the MainUI. Try to do a hard reload of the MainUI page or turn off page caching in firefox.

Thanks for reply. You are right, with a new PC I installed Firefox again after a long time and started using it more and more. Never thought this would cause such problems in OH. Then I will return to Edge for my OH stuff.