Java SE6 for installation SmartHome-Designer on iMac OS X?


I tried an installation of released and snapshot version but always get the message “Um SmartHome-Designer öffnen zu können, muss die alte Java SE 6-Runtime-Version installiert werden.” Translation could be “To open SmartHome-Designer you have to install the old Java SE6 Runtime version”. If I have a look to the prerequisites I found:

  • a JVM compliant with 1.7 or above
    In another Topic here today the answer was to install a SDK instead of the JRE.

How can I install without this really old Java SE 6? And afterwards to run the SmartHome-Designer on my MacBook Air Sierra is there an SDK really necessary?

Kind regards

This is a common issue on Mac, with the old 1.6 being the default JVM. Please search the Internet for solutions, like this one.

hi Steffen
did you find a simple solution? I’ve the same problem (running macOS sierra). The link bellow from watou is for me not helpful to solve it in reasonable time …
BR Simno

You have to install Oracle Java JDK (not only JRE). Then it’s not necessary anymore to install the old Apple Java.

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perfect. this did the trick for me. vielen dank!