Jeelink and nanoCUL Intertechno at the same time. Newbee


Sounds better …

The Binding can read the config file now and shold work … but it cant open the serial port.

I am on a long weekend and have no openhabserver to test but i searched a little bit …

There is no sample for the .cfg file so …

Maybe try with the nano editor like before:


Have found it here:

In the description of the intertechno binding you can find the following:
When using a serial port, you may need to add in your server startup.

This should open the serial port on server start but i cant recall/remeber the steps without try it on my openhab.

If you cant get it to work i will test it on monday.

But we can test the binding by open the port by hand :slight_smile:

Its not a real solution because on a reboot the port will be closed again but for now it should work.

Get to the commandline und type:

# Setup the Port
stty -F /dev/ttyUSB1 38400 raw -echo

# Open the Port / Connection with a cat terminal in background
cat /dev/ttyUSB1 &

Now try it again … the port is open so the binding should work (if you dont get in other problems).