[Jellyfin] - Problems after upgrade to 10.9 - no longer working with 10.10

To be compatible with 10.9 Jellyfin Server Version(s) you did the update to the patched SDK Version 1.4.7.

I noticed problems with inconsistent DeviceId for Android Phones in the session report (e.g. if the WLAN channel, or access point changed for a mobile device). I’ve created a bug report: Inconsistent DeviceId reported for Android Client in session query (breaks openHAB integration) - there you’ll see the details.

I used a patched version of the current binding to (start) to analyze the problem - and to try a workaround:

jellyfin.patch.txt (5.2 KB)

SDK 1.4 is no longer supported - but I most likely this is not the problem. It is more likely related to the server logic explained in the maintainer’s reply: Inconsistent DeviceId reported for Android Client in session query (breaks openHAB integration) · Issue #1006 · jellyfin/jellyfin-sdk-kotlin · GitHub

:warning: Therefore I advice not to update to Jellyfin Server 10.9 at the moment until the binding is adjusted.

Shall I create e.g. two issues? One for the id thingy and one for the migration to the current SDK. I can contribute - but progress will be slow … (a personal trait of mine; or the result of my involvement in too many things :thinking:).

with kind regards,

Together with a sleep tracker and the HueSyncBox Binding (work in progress) it is possible to do nice automations - e.g. if you watch a movie, listen to music - or to switch of the music on you phone if the sleep tracker reports that you’re no longer awake :slight_smile:

:information_source: Update 2024-10-28 :information_source:

With the update to Jellyfin 10.10 the binding is no longer compatible:

2024-10-28 21:42:55.905 [ERROR] [.jellyfin.sdk.api.client.RawResponse] - Deserialization failed
kotlinx.serialization.SerializationException: org.jellyfin.sdk.model.api.GeneralCommandType does not contain element with name ',' at path $[0].Capabilities.SupportedCommands[1]

Even using the latest 1.4 SDK there are already issues with Jellyfin 10.9 (with based Android devices). For productive setups I recommend to use Jellyfin 10.8.

:information_source: Update 2024-12-25 :information_source:

Fire TV and other Android TV based devices will update the Jellyfin client to the most recent version - which will not be compatible with the server version supported by openHAB. The latest supported client is 0.16.11. On some devices fortunately “side loading” of applications is possible. If you integrate the app into your setup, uninstall the official version and install the 0.16.11 .apk manually.

I started to evaluate possibilities to support recent and legacy server version with the official binding (Draft PR #17757) - but it will take months if/until some results can be expected (feel free to contribute :slightly_smiling_face:).