Journey to Python 6 of 9

This post will be a little different. You will not be seeing new code here. Instead you will see a refactoring of my existing code. If you recall, I have three places so far where I need to create and keep track of a bunch of Timers, one for each Item that generates an event. This requires a dict and a bunch of book keeping logic that gets repeated in each case. So I’ve extracted that code into a library module and adjusted my Rules to use the library code instead.

First the library module, placed in $OH_CONF/automation/lib/python/personal/

A class to centralize management of multiple Timers in cases where one needs to keep
track of one timer per Item
from core.jsr223.scope import ir
from core.jsr223.scope import items
from core.actions import ScriptExecution
from org.joda.time import DateTime
from core.log import log_traceback

class timer_mgr(object):
    Keeps and manages a dictionary of Timers keyed on an Item name.

    def __init__(self):
        self.timers = {}

    def __not_flapping(self, itemName):
        Called when the Timer expires. Call the function and delete the timer from the dict.
        This function ensures that the dict get's cleaned up.

            itemName: the name of the Item associated with the Timer
            del self.timers[itemName]

    def timer_check(self, itemName, interval, function, flapping_function=None, reschedule=False):
        Call to check whether an Item is flapping. If a Timer exists, create a new timer to run the passed
        in function. 
        If a Timer exists, reschedule it if reschedule is True. If a flapping_function was passed, run it.

            itemName: The name of the Item we are monitoring for flapping
            interval: How long the Item needs to remain the same state before calling function, in milliseconds
            function: Function to call when the timer expired
            flapping_function: Optional function to call if the Item is found to be flapping
            reschedule: Optional flag that causes the Timer to be rescheduled when the Item is flapping

        # Timer exists, reschedule and call flapping_lambda if necessary
        if itemName in self.timers:
            # Reschedule the Timer if desired
            if reschedule: self.timers[itemName]['timer'].reschedule(

            # Cancel the Timer if not rescheduling
                del self.timers[itemName]

            # Call the flapping function
            if flapping_function: flapping_function()

        # No timer exists, create the Timer
            item = ir.getItem(itemName)
            self.timers[itemName] = { 'orig_state':   item.state,
                                      'timer':        ScriptExecution.createTimer(, lambda: self.__not_flapping(itemName)),
                                      'flapping':     flapping_function,
                                      'not_flapping': function }

    def has_timer(self, itemName): 
        Returns True if there is a Timer for this Item, False otherwise
        return True if itemName in self.timers else False

    def cancel(self, itemName):
        Cancels the Timer assocaited with this Timer if one exists
        if not self.has_timer(itemName): return
        del self.timers[itemName]

Features of note include:

  • all of the dict book keeping is centralized in this one place, no more forgetting to del the timer when we are done
  • timer_check is where most of the real work is done. It operates in two modes. If the timer already exists we reschedule the timer if told to and we call the flapping function if given one. If the timer doesn’t exist we create it. We use our own function instead of the passed in lambda so we have the opportunity to clean up the dict.
  • Most of the time I expect to only be using timer_check, but there is a has_timer and cancel function when it’s necessary.

Here is a test script:

from core.log import logging, LOG_PREFIX
log = logging.getLogger("{}.TEST".format(LOG_PREFIX))
import personal.timer_mgr
from personal.timer_mgr import timer_mgr

timers = timer_mgr()

def flapping():"Test was found to be flapping")

def not_flapping():"Test was found not to be flapping")

from time import sleep"TEST: Flapping, no lambda, no reschedule: no output")
timers.timer_check("Test", 1000, not_flapping)
timers.timer_check("Test", 1000, not_flapping)
sleep(0.5)"TEST: Flapping, with lambda, no reschedule: Test as found to be flapping")
timers.timer_check("Test", 1000, not_flapping, flapping_function=flapping)
timers.timer_check("Test", 1000, not_flapping, flapping_function=flapping)
sleep(0.5)"TEST: Flapping, with lambda and reschedule: Test was found to be flapping, Test was found not to be flapping")
timers.timer_check("Test", 1000, not_flapping, flapping_function=flapping, reschedule=True)
timers.timer_check("Test", 1000, not_flapping, flapping_function=flapping, reschedule=True)
sleep(1.1)"TEST: Not flapping: Test was found not to be flapping")
timers.timer_check("Test", 1000, not_flapping)
sleep(1.1)"TEST: hasTimer and cancel")
timers.timer_check("Test", 1000, not_flapping)
if timers.has_timer("Test"):"Timer exists")"Cancelling timer")
sleep(0.6)"Cancelling non-existant timer")
if not timers.has_timer("Test"):"No timer exists")

And here are the new versions of my offline alerting Rule and my door reminder rule, both of which have been modified to use this new class.

from core.rules import rule
from core.triggers import when
from core.metadata import get_key_value, set_metadata
from personal.util import send_info, get_name
from threading import Timer
from core.log import log_traceback
from personal.timer_mgr import timer_mgr

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
timers = timer_mgr()
on_off_map = { ON: 'online', OFF: 'offline' }

def alert_timer_expired(itemName, name, origState, log):
    alerted = get_key_value(itemName, "Alert", "alerted") or "OFF"

    if items[itemName] != origState:
        log.warning("In alert_timer_expired and {}'s current state of {} is different from it's original state of {}.".format(name, items[itemName], origState))

    # If our alerted flag equals the Item's state we need to generate an alert
    if str(items[itemName]) == alerted:
        send_info("{} is now {}".format(name, on_off_map[items[itemName]]), log)
        set_metadata(itemName, "Alert", { "alerted": 'OFF' if alerted == 'ON'else 'ON' }, overwrite=False)
    else: log.warning("Alert timer expired but curr state doesn't match alert {} != {}".format(name, items[itemName], alerted))
def alert_timer_flapping(itemName, name, log):
    alerted = get_key_value(itemName, "Alert", "alerted") or "OFF"
    log.warning("{} is flapping! Alerted = {} and current state = {}".format(name, alerted, items[itemName]))

@rule("Device online/offline", description="A device we track it's online/offline status changed state", tags=["admin"])
@when("Member of gSensorStatus changed")
def status_alert(event):

    name = get_name(event.itemName)

    if isinstance(event.oldItemState, UnDefType):
        status_alert.log.warning("{} is in an undef type, canceling any running timers".format(name))

    timers.timer_check(event.itemName, 60000,  
                       lambda: alert_timer_expired(event.itemName, name, event.itemState, status_alert.log),
                       flapping_function=lambda: alert_timer_flapping(event.itemName, name, status_alert.log),

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rule("System status reminder", description="Send a message with a list of offline sensors at 08:00 and System start", tags=["admin"])
@when("Time cron 0 0 8 * * ?")
@when("System started")
def status_reminder(event):

    numNull = len(filter(lambda item: isinstance(item.state, UnDefType), ir.getItem("gSensorStatus").members))
    if numNull > 0: status_reminder.log.warning("There are {} sensors in an unknown state!".format(numNull))

    offline = filter(lambda item: item.state == OFF, ir.getItem("gSensorStatus").members)
    if len(offline) == 0:"All sensors are online")

    offlineMessage = "The following sensors are known to be offline: {}".format(", ".join(map(lambda sensor: "{}".format(get_name(, sorted(sensor for sensor in offline))))
    for sensor in offline: set_metadata(, "Alert", { "alerted" : "ON"}, overwrite=False)
    send_info(offlineMessage, status_reminder.log)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rule("Power Meter online status", description="Zwave has marked the power meter as offline", tags=["admin"])
@when("Thing zwave:device:dongle:node7 changed")
def pm_online(event):"Power meter Thing changed status {}".format(event.statusInfo.status))
    if event.statusInfo.status == ONLINE: events.sendCommand("vPowerMeter_Online", "ON")
    else: events.sendCommand("vPowerMeter_Online", "OFF")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rule("Process heartbeat", description="Process an uptime heartbeat message to ping the online status of a sensor", tags=["admin"])
@when("Member of SensorEvents received update")
def heartbeat(event):
    events.sendCommand(event.itemName.replace("Uptime", "Online"), "ON")

There are a couple of other changes from when I originally posted this one. See if you can find them. Notice how there is no more book keeping code in this Rule.

from core.rules import rule
from core.triggers import when
from personal.util import get_name, send_alert
from core.actions import ScriptExecution
from org.joda.time import DateTime
from core.log import log_traceback
from core.metadata import get_key_value
from personal.timer_mgr import timer_mgr

flapping_timers = timer_mgr()
reminder_timers = timer_mgr()

def is_night(): return items["vTimeOfDay"] == StringType("NIGHT") or items["vTimeOfDay"] == StringType("BED")

def get_mins(itemName, log):
    value = get_key_value(itemName, "Static", "rem_mins")
    return 60 if not value else value.intValue()

def reminder_timer(itemName, name, mins, log):
    if items[itemName] != OPEN:
        log.warning("{} open timer expired but door is not open!".format(name))

    send_alert("{} has been open for {} minutes".format(name, mins), log)

    if is_night():"Rescheduling timer because it is night")
        reminder_timers.timer_check(itemName, int(mins*60*1000),
                                    lambda: reminder_timer(itemName, name, mins, log),

def not_flapping(itemName, origState, name, log):
    if items[itemName] != origState:
        log.warning("{} was flapping, false alarm!".format(name))

        # Update the timestamp

        # Set a reminder timer
        mins = get_mins(itemName, log)

        if items[itemName] == OPEN:
            reminder_timers.timer_check(itemName, int(mins*60*1000),
                                        lambda: reminder_timer(itemName, name, mins, log),
        elif items[itemName] == CLOSED:
            if reminder_timers.has_timer(itemName):"{} has a timer!".format(name))
        # Create the message to log and maybe alert
        alert = False
        change = "opened" if origState == OPEN else "closed"
        time = ""
        present = ""
        if is_night():
            time = " and it is night"
            alert = True
        if items["vPresent"] == OFF:
            present = " and no one is home"
            alert = True
        msg = "The {} was {}{}{}!".format(name, change, time, present)

        if alert: send_alert(msg, log)

def flapping(name, state, log):
    log.warning("{} appears to be flapping, it is now {}!".format(name, state))

# TODO: rework, these reminders are not useful any longer
@rule("Door reminder", description="Track when doors change state and set an alert if they remain open for too long", tags=["entry"])
@when("Member of gDoorSensors changed")
def door_changed(event):
    if isinstance(event.oldItemState, UnDefType): return

    name = get_name(event.itemName)
    state = event.itemState

    if state == UNDEF:
        door_changed.log.warning("{} is in an unkown state!".format(name))

    # If a door changes within a second we treat it as flapping
    flapping_timers.timer_check(event.itemName, 1000,
                                lambda: not_flapping(event.itemName, state, name, door_changed.log),
                                lambda: flapping(name, state, door_changed.log),

@rule("Reset timers for OPEN doors", description="Reschedules the Timers for doors that are open on restart", tags=["entry"])
@when("System started")
def reschedule_door_timers(event):
    for door in filter(lambda door: door.state == OPEN, ir.getItem("gDoorSensors").members):
        mins = get_mins(, reschedule_door_timers.log)
        name = get_name(
        reminder_timers.timer_check(, int(mins*60*1000),
                                    lambda: reminder_timer(, name, mins, reschedule_door_timers.log),

These Rules actually have two sets of Timers, one to test for antiflapping and the other to set a reminder. To avoid collisions and more complicated code to distinguish between the flapping timers and the reminder timers for the same Item, we create two instances of the timer_mgr class (this is why it’s a class BTW and not a simple script). The reduction in code here is fairly significant and IMHO the code is easier to follow because it isn’t burdened by all the dict book keeping stuff.

So, at least for me, this refactoring is a win. I don’t necessarily share this to mean you should be using my timer_mgr class. My purpose in posting is to show that even pretty early on as you transition your Rules you will learn new things and discover new ways to accomplish the same thing. Don’t be afraid to go back and apply what you have learned to code you’ve already migrated.

In this Rule there are a couple of improvements I can make still. I’ll leave that to you to find.

If anyone does find this a useful library, there are some things I can do to improve it that I already have in mind (e.g. letting you pass a number with units so you can pass minutes, for example). Any other improvement ideas are welcome.

Previous: Journey to JSR223 Python 5 of 9
Next: Journey to JSR223 Python 7 of?


Thank you for this. This idea and class was a great idea. However, as i use javascript for my rules i translated the python over to js which i include below for anyone else who comes across this thread:

the js library module First the library module, placed in $OH_CONF/automation/lib/javascript/personal/timer_mrg.js

var timer_mgr = function(){
    this.timers = {};
     this.not_flapping = function (self,itemName){
        Called when the Timer expires. Call the function and delete the timer from the dict.
        This function ensures that the dict get's cleaned up.

            itemName: the name of the Item associated with the Timer
            delete self.timers[itemName];
    this.timer_check = function(self, itemName, interval, functionName, flapping_function, reschedule){
        Call to check whether an Item is flapping. If a Timer exists, create a new timer to run the passed
        in function. 
        If a Timer exists, reschedule it if reschedule is True. If a flapping_function was passed, run it.

            itemName: The name of the Item we are monitoring for flapping
            interval: How long the Item needs to remain the same state before calling function, in milliseconds
            function: Function to call when the timer expired
            flapping_function: Optional function to call if the Item is found to be flapping
            reschedule: Optional flag that causes the Timer to be rescheduled when the Item is flapping

        // Timer exists, reschedule and call flapping_lambda if necessary
        if (!(typeof self.timers[itemName] == "undefined")){
            // Reschedule the Timer if desired
            if (reschedule){
            // Cancel the Timer if not rescheduling
                delete self.timers[itemName];
            // Call the flapping function
            if (!(flapping_function==null)){ 
        // No timer exists, create the Timer
            var item = getItem(itemName);
            self.timers[itemName] = { 'orig_state':   item.state,
                                      'timer':        createTimer(now().plusMillis(parseInt(interval)), function(){self.not_flapping(self,itemName);},"argument"),
                                      'flapping':     flapping_function,
                                      'not_flapping': functionName };

        Returns True if there is a Timer for this Item, False otherwise
       return (!(typeof self.timers[itemName] == "undefined"));
        Cancels the Timer assocaited with this Timer if one exists
        if (!(typeof self.timers[itemName] == "undefined")){
        delete self.timers[itemName];

Then in your rules:

at top of rule with the other js imports:


And then to use the class:

var TimerManger = new timer_mgr();
TimerManger.timer_check(TimerManager, itemName, interval, functionName, flapping_function, reschedule);

Only minor differences. Between the two as the bulk of the logic was already handled for me by the structure of your class. However, as you can tell from reading for instance my function requires values for the flapping function and reschedule to be passed.

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Thanks for posting! You should consider submitting it to the Helper Libraries so other users can obtain and just start using it. See for my PR submission for the Python version.

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will do