[JS Scripting] All scripts stop working when upgrading to 3.4.0.M4

Given that and your error message/stack trace, your problem is not the one described in this thread. If you had the problem described in this thread, it would never work.

Seems like your problem is related to memory (the error says Java heap space which is a memory problem).
JS Scripting had a memory leak that was fixed in [jsscripting] Fix memory leak that crashes openHAB by florian-h05 · Pull Request #13824 · openhab/openhab-addons · GitHub.

Please upgrade to openHAB 3.4.0.M6 or later (I would recommend to upgrade to the 3.4.0 stable release).

Ah, I thought it was the same issue. I’ll upgrade to 3.4.0 stable as you suggested. Thanks for the help.

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You are welcome.
Please report back if your problem is solved on 3.4.0 Stable.

Hi Florian,

I’m reporting back on my problem. I went back to 3.4.0 Stable, yet the problem remained – increasing CPU usage until the system bogged down, leading to a spontaneous OH restart and the process repeating itself (it took about 2-3 days until it became unusable).

About the same time that I updated my OH version (which seemed to precipitate the problem), I had also added the iRobot binding. So I decided to remove this binding to see if that was the culprit. After removing the binding, everything returned to normal. CPU usage is right where it used to be and it’s stable.

So right now I’m assuming it was something about the iRobot binding. It’s beyond me to diagnose exactly what, so I’ll do without this binding for now. If this information should be added to a different thread I can certainly do that.

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I am not using the iRobot binding, so I cannot help, but I would recommend to search the forum for iRobot problems and open a new thread if no one else did it before.

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Would you mind reuploading it? I got the Failed to execute action: 2(Could not initialize class org.openhab.automation.jsscripting.internal.OpenhabGraalJSScriptEngine) with OH 4.0.2 now, starting with bundle org.openhab.core.automation.module.script:4.0.2 (162)[org.openhab.core.automation.module.script.ScriptTransformationServiceFactory(102)] : The setScriptEngineFactory method has thrown an exception when it’s loaded.