Jsscripting automation "lost" after each OpenHAB restart (and has to be reinstalled)

HI there,
I’m running 4.2.0. M4 on OpenHabian (but this also applies to M2 and M3).
Each time I restart Openhab the JavaScript Scripting “jsscripting” automation is reported missing in the logs (I use jsscripting for transformations) and then I have to manually reinstall it each time (from https://192.168.178.xxx:8443/addons/automation/).
This is quite annoying and I don’t have the same problem for any binding or automation (I also installed jRuby Scripting for testing purposes and this one is persisted across restarts).
Does anybody have an idea what could be causing this? Thanks a lot!

These are my error messages after restarting:

> 2024-07-02 17:39:01.662 [ERROR] [.module.script.profile.ScriptProfile] - Failed to process script 'round.js': Script type 'js' is not supported by any available script engine.
> 2024-07-02 17:39:01.663 [ERROR] [.module.script.profile.ScriptProfile] - Failed to process script 'wind2bft.js': Script type 'js' is not supported by any available script engine.
> 2024-07-02 17:39:01.665 [ERROR] [.module.script.profile.ScriptProfile] - Failed to process script 'wind2bft.js': Script type 'js' is not supported by any available script engine.
> 2024-07-02 17:39:01.666 [ERROR] [.module.script.profile.ScriptProfile] - Failed to process script 'round.js': Script type 'js' is not supported by any available script engine.
> 2024-07-02 17:39:01.667 [ERROR] [.module.script.profile.ScriptProfile] - Failed to process script 'wind2bft.js': Script type 'js' is not supported by any available script engine.
> 2024-07-02 17:39:01.668 [ERROR] [.module.script.profile.ScriptProfile] - Failed to process script 'round.js': Script type 'js' is not supported by any available script engine.

And then after reinstalling jsscripting again:

2024-07-02 17:40:49.510 [INFO ] [org.openhab.automation.script       ] - round.js: 63.3°F(3) > 17.38888888888889°C > 17.5°C
2024-07-02 17:40:49.517 [INFO ] [org.openhab.automation.script       ] - round.js: 63.3°F(3) > 17.38888888888889°C > 17.5°C
2024-07-02 17:40:49.524 [INFO ] [org.openhab.automation.script       ] - round.js: 63.3°F(3) > 17.38888888888889°C > 17.5°C
2024-07-02 17:40:49.530 [INFO ] [org.openhab.automation.script       ] - round.js: 50.9°F(3) > 10.5°C > 10.5°C
2024-07-02 17:40:49.537 [INFO ] [org.openhab.automation.script       ] - round.js: 29.77inHg(4) > 1008.1279060666766hPa > 1008hPa
2024-07-02 17:40:49.550 [INFO ] [org.openhab.automation.script       ] - round.js: 10mph(2) > 16.09344km/h > 16km/h
2024-07-02 17:40:50.588 [INFO ] [org.openhab.automation.script       ] - round.js: 10mph(2) > 16.09344km/h > 16km/h
2024-07-02 17:40:50.619 [INFO ] [org.openhab.automation.script       ] - round.js: 10.7mph(3) > 17.2199808km/h > 17km/h

Have you ever used addons.cfg to install add-ons?

Yes, this is what it looks like:

~/openhab $ cat ./services/addons.cfg
# Access Remote Add-on Repository
# Defines whether the remote openHAB add-on repository should be used for browsing and installing add-ons. (default is tru                                        e)
#remote = true

# Some add-on services may provide add-ons where compatibility with the currently running system is not expected.
# Enabling this option will include these entries in the list of available add-ons.
#includeIncompatible = false

# A comma-separated list of automation services to install (e.g. "automation = groovyscripting")
automation = jrubyscripting

# A comma-separated list of bindings to install (e.g. "binding = knx,sonos,zwave")
binding = astro,network,mqtt,tr064,avmfritz,dwdunwetter,exec,amazonechocontrol,amazondashbutton,bluetooth,homeconnect,hppr                                        inter,samsungtv,openweathermap,dwdpollenflug,weathercompany,telegram,mybmw

# A comma-separated list of miscellaneous services to install (e.g. "misc = openhabcloud")
#misc =

# A comma-separated list of persistence services to install (e.g. "persistence = jpa,rrd4j")
#persistence =

# A comma-separated list of transformation services to install (e.g. "transformation = jsonpath,map")
#transformation =

# A comma-separated list of UIs to install (e.g. "ui = basic,habpanel")
#ui =

# A comma-separated list of voice services to install (e.g. "voice = googletts,marytts")
#voice =

Shall I try adding jsscripting in the automation= line ?

Correct. addons.cfg takes precedence. If it’s not listed there, the add-on gets removed. If it is listed there it gets installed independently from what ever you do through the UI. You can choose either a managed configuration or a file based configuration. You cannot use both at the same time for the same thing.

Thank you, Rich!
Yes, this did the trick:

automation = jrubyscripting,jsscripting

(I currently prefer the file-based setup, because I work with VSC for editing my files.)