Karaf command history fail

Karaf is logging correctly, but when entering a command in console, it fails to save the history of commands with:

2022-01-24 11:25:00.506 [WARN ] [org.jline                           ] - Failed to save history
java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /var/lib/openhab2/.karaf/karaf.history

For some reason karaf still tries to save history to the wrong directory. The dir permissions for /var/lib/openhab are for openhab, and /var/lib/openhab2 is set as root. I would rather just change the pointer to the correct directory than change permissions to an otherwise empty directory.

Is there a karaf config file that can be modified to correct this location?

Apparently the issue was reported some time back…


You may override the default value that you can get from within the karaf console with :

env|grep hist

by adding a line in $OPENHAB_USERDATA/etc/system.properties

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Thanks Wolfgang. It worked perfectly.

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Thanks for the solution :slight_smile:

Migrating from OH2.3 on Raspbian stretch to OH3.4.2-1, using apt install, I’m slowly tracking inconsistencies. And as the OP, I got this issue too and applied the proposed solution in


where I added

karaf.history = ${openhab.userdata}/.karaf/karaf.history

It works, but sadly it’s just a workaround, it doesn’t explain in first place which file the key is (still) initiated from.
In the same way I found that in karaf env (but not in the shell env) “openhab2” still remains :

String          user.country    FR
String          user.dir        /var/lib/openhab
String          user.home       /var/lib/openhab2
String          user.language   fr
String          user.name       openhab
String          user.timezone   Europe/Paris
String          xml.catalog.files

Any clue for where it come from? I couldn’t find it in $OPENHAB_USERDATA files, nor in \etc
I manually removed the remaining openhab2 folders and will check if some error arise in /var/log.